With the Slowest Heart

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Part two of Always The Fool: the brother's confrontation
Merrytwinketoes is a fucking god for dealing with me so much with messages glitching and everything, so tysm and I hope this is to your standards ❤️❤️❤️
Also: sorry if y'all wanted a pro-Jordie fic, I had some fun with angry Kaz boi

Third Person POV
A man walked into the Crow Club late one night. He had the look of a farmer. Broad shoulders, thick arms, and tanned skin.

Funny, if any of the Dregs were dumber, they'd say the man looked like the inverse of their boss.

It was even more laughable, when the man wanted an audience with Dirtyhands.

But the thing that truly stopped the Dregs' secret laughter, was when Dirtyhands told the man to step into his office.

The Boss's eyes were colder than usual, colder than Fifth Harbor waters under mid-winter storms. His posture was tense, he seemed livid, but that was what Dirtyhands always looked like.

Jordie's POV
Jordan Rietveld came into Ketterdam to check on his large tradings. Usually, he left it to his assistant who lives in Ketterdam, but the farmer decided to get over the lingering fears, and travel to the awful city.

Somehow Jordie's feet carried him to Hertzoon's old office. The building hadn't aged well and was boarded up from viewers.

Jordie asked a passing man if he knew Hertzoon, and low and behold the man ended up flipping him on his back and threatening him!

That's when Jordie knew he'd met the infamous Dirtyhands.

But, Jordie trusted his mind, and knew that he knew the man from somewhere. And maybe that somewhere was a small farm, his farm. Even more of a maybe could Dirtyhands, the most dangerous boy in the barrel, be his long-dead brother.

So, somehow he'd ended up here, requesting an audience with Dirtyhands, and even more surprising is when he'd got one.

Lounging with a false relaxation, Dirtyhands had one glove on his cane and the other flipped a playing card between his two fingers. Jordie did not see the door behind Dirtyhands, or how it closed silently.

The farmer stepped into the Barrel Boss's office bravely, he wanted to get this over with. Half of his was regretting this foolish endeavor already. What if he was wrong? What if he was wasting the time of the biggest Barrel Boss in Ketterdam?

"What business?" There was that rock salt rasp again. So rough, like shattered glinting glass.

"Oh, um," Jordie hesitated. His mind was trying to trick him now. Maybe he was wrong? Maybe he should just leave?

"Alright, this is gonna sound crazy," he started. "But I think you look like someone I used to know-"

"Mr.Rietveld if you have come here to waste my time with such frivolous ideas, I suggest you leave." Dirtyhands used his cane to point to the door.

Jordie took a deep breath. Maybe he was wrong. Half of him hoped he was wrong.

"Nobody knows your true name. The only thing I can get out of the people on the streets is Dirtyhands, and I hear a whisper of Brekker. But I'm gonna take a leap here," Jordie leaned forward. "Your name is Kaz. Is it not?"

Dirtyhands noticeably stiffened, giving Jordie all he needed to know.

Jordie's voice was breathless, yet heavy with emotions he hadn't dealt with since he was fourteen. "I had a brother. His name was Kazimir Rietveld. And he looked a little like you-"

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