Rietveld's Return

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Summary: Jesper takes the crows with him back to see Colm. While helping around the farm, Colm takes them into a little town called Lij. The crows get to see a side of Kaz they never expected.

Kaz's POV

Kaz didn't want to go on this trip, he was reluctant the whole way to the farmhouse. He stared at the floor of the rented carriage. He didn't want to look outside, the rolling fields would hold memories of two young farm boys. Kaz didn't want to think about that. He didn't want to break apart so early in the trip.

Jesper was a bouncing ball of energy only reigned in by Wylan's kiss. Inej was busy calming and distracting the raincloud they called Brekker. Nina and Matthias busied themselves by reminiscing, and Nina sparsely helped Wylan spend Jesper's energy on random activities.

When they finally got to the farmhouse, Colm walked out to meet them happily. The Kaelish man's face was alight with joy at seeing his son, he grappled the energetic boy into a hug.

After Jesper broke away from his father, Wylan was pulled in next. Eventually, everyone but Kaz got a hug, and Colm seemed to understand to keep his distance from the glaring teen. Kaz didn't really want to come to see Colm, Colm reminded him of his father.

"Come on now, y'all can't just stand there! There's chores to be done before dinner. Jesper, pick a friend and go finish up with the horses. I'll take the rest of them inside to help with dinner." Mr. Fahey said in a cheery voice. Clearly, the man was in his element.

"Kaz! Come on!"

"No." The Barrel Boss replied quickly.

"Oh come on! Please?" Jesper asked politely.

Kaz didn't see Jesper in that moment. Jesper's face blurred with another boy he'd called brother so long ago.

"Come on Kazzie! You can help me with Midnight!" Jordie's childish tone echoed in his ears. Midnight. His favorite Friesian black mare. Young and Wild as the waves but gentle as the twilight tide. The mare would only allow Kaz to come even close to her. Not even Da could get near her, only Katz.

Kaz had a choice now. He could put his armor back on, and laced it up with mortar and tar so it never came undone again.

But then he locked eyes with Inej.

He could let it all come crashing down, he could let Rietveld shine a bit. Come back a bit. Have a little slice of his past he savored for oh so long. Those late nights Kaz had spent dreaming of rolling fields and wildflowers, those dreams of forests. Those dreams of riding Midnight into the sunset, his arms wide as if he was going to embrace the moon and stars.

He could have that again, even if only for a little while.

"Fine," Kaz said simply as he watched the others walk away. "Just let me change first."

"There's an extra pair of clothes in the guest bathroom, near the back door. We use it as a muck room after chores." Colm said with a small smile.

Jesper just stared at his friend in shock. But Kaz paid him, nor his other awed friends any attention. He had a focus now.

If Dirtyhands was his armor, he let it loosen just a bit.

The Barrel Boss walked to the house quickly, slipping in the back door and finding the bathroom easily. The others filed in through the front door, as Kaz slipped on the thin and simple clothes. A pair of cotton pants, cut short they reached his calves. Clearly they were made for rough work and worn from days of hard labor. He slipped the white shirt that laced at the chest over his forehead. But he left the strings on done a bit, so he could let them be relaxed. He slipped off his shoes, and folded his business clothes neatly.

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