Lucky foot, Light foot

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Kaz Brekker always walked with a purpose.

If you were in the streets of Ketterdam, and heard that signature cane come tapping down the cobblestones, you know exactly what monster's lingering in the alleyways.

His shoes are always impeccable and shined clean. They're black lace-up dress shoes that match every monochrome outfit. They always hit the ground like thunder. Every step cracked against any floor he came across. Kaz Brekker made it known when he was approaching you. Like thunder rumbling on the horizon, a hurricane crawling over sunny skies.

A boy made of sharp edges like broken glass. So dangerous and deadly.

That's what all the crows had heard at least. The six crewmates had all been staying at the Van Eck Mansion for the past few weeks, just enjoying each others companies, and slowly uncovering new things about Kaz Brekker.

The newest thing they'd learned about Kaz, was the most expected yet unexpected thing.

Matthias was the first victim of this new realization.

*time skip brought to you by my apologies for how bad I am at updating*

Matthias had been sipping his morning tea, making sure to add some extra honey to his own, and an extra heap of sugar to Nina's to satiate her sweet teeth.

If he thought her sweet tooth was bad normally, she was absolutely ravenous for sweets in the morning. He didn't see the shadow dart towards the tea cabinet, or the other shadow snatch the honey from beside him, Matthias was too lost in his daydreams of his adventures with Nina. One time, they found a small bakery in the University District, and Matthias thought Nina was going to buy the whole dam shop!

Anyway, her tapped the spoon on the side of her cup gently, the delicate clinking was melodic to him. He grabbed both cups by the handles, careful not to spill a single drop of Nina's sickeningly sugar-filled almost-potion. If he was honest, Matthias had always loved baking and cooking—


Matthias jumped back towards the counter, dropping his own cup of tea but protectively cradling Nina's witch-worthy concoction. The Demjin was standing there, fully dressed with his own steaming mug.

Kaz glared at the Fjerdan in a way that coldly conveyed his unsaid words of "be-quiet-you-big-oaf-the-others-are-asleep"

Matthias set down Nina's cup and used his free hand to clutch his chest, trying to calm his pounding heart.

How did Kaz get in here without Matthias hearing him?? Did he make no noise? Did the Demjin not walk, did he levitate when the others weren't looking?

Wait, Why wasn't he talking?

That's when Wylan sauntered in, gently maneuvering around Kaz's rigid form, and grabbing his own mug to make some coffee.

The chemist eyed Kaz, then Matthias, but went back to Kaz to look the Barrel Boss up and down.

"Bad day?" Wylan asked simply.

Kaz didn't need to nod, his eyes had already conveyed another unsaid message (all the crows had deciphered Kaz's secret glare language by now). Matthias could almost hear the rasp when he saw the glare: yes

Matthias watched as Wylan just nodded in acceptance, and moved back to making his coffee. Matthias turned with him, grabbing Nina's coffee and a towel to clean up his broken mug.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything-"

When they both turned around, Kaz was already gone.

Dam Demjin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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