7: Relationship

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"You're really dating him?" Izuku whispered, glancing over his shoulder to Ochako. She smiled wide, nodding as she watched out for the teacher's occasional glances. 

"Yeah, he's the best boyfriend I've ever had, so far. But, we've only been dating for about nine days, so- I won't jinx it." The brunette giggled. "But, he really is amazing. Not only in bed- He cooks, and when he came over to my place, I went off for a shower and he cleaned my entire fucking room. The man's great. A real simp. He's so sweet."

Izuku smiled, only for a short time, before their small talk was disturbed by their teacher's loud voice, calling out their names in anger. Both's eyes trailed off to the angry woman, tapping her foot to the ground as she called out one last word. 


"My mom's gonna be so mad at me." Midoriya whined, for the third time in the past five minutes. 

"Izu, relax. That bitch sends everyone to detention. And if your mom asks, just blame it on me. Tell her I was the one disturbing you." Ochako spoke, leaning back in her chair. She kicked her feet up on her desk, sighing. The good thing about having detention in Yueii, was no supervision. They were simply told to work on homework and behave. 

"I can't lie to my mom, Ocha. I was talking with you, too. I deserved this. Oh, my life is ruined." He whined, resting his forehead on the side of his desk. He stared down between his legs, moving his feet around to try to distract himself. 

"Oh, that's right. Well... I can't really help you there." She spoke, staring out the window. "So... Are you feeling confident for the finals, next week?" Uraraka questioned, looking over her shoulder to face her friend. 

"Meh, not so much. I used to study a lot back in Tokyo, but I've been spending so much time with my friends lately, I haven't studied for any test. I just hope I'll be okay with what I know so far." He mumbled, doodling a snowman down on one of his homework sheets. "I also have a bunch of undone assignments to give in before Christmas. That gives me... About two weeks to turn in all the stuff I haven't turned in yet." 

"Damn, y'know, if you buy every teacher a coffee in the mornings, they'll give you passing grades. That's how I get by. But, according to that slut in 11th grade, if you give your teachers a blowjob, they give you an A+. Fucking whore." The brunette shrugged, twirling a part of her hair. Izuku scoffed with a smile, shaking his head at how people had low levels of self-worth and self-respect, in Hosu. 

"I won't be doing that, that's for sure." He smiled, earning a giggle from his friend. Izuku smiled wide as an old lady walked into the room, telling them they were good to go. It didn't take long for the two to bolt out the door, laughing loudly as they made their way down the sidewalk. Since Izuku had to stay past school hours, he was stuck walking home. Same goes for Ochako. Not that it was a problem, both of them stayed only a few miles from school. 

"Hey, so, you and Tenya. Do you think it'll last?" Izuku questioned, looking over to his smiling friend. 

"I'm actually really confident about this relationship. I know we're pretty much opposites, he's a narc and doesn't really know how to let loose, other than parties where he accidentally gets drunk. But he takes super good care of me and I really love him." Uraraka explained, looking down to her feet as she rambled. 

"Well, I'm happy for you." The greenette beamed, looking forward to the street in front of him. 

"Thanks! What about you? Christmas is coming up, anybody you're interested in?" Ochako questioned. "Y'know, Christmas is like a second shot at Valentine's day. It can be super romantic if you want it to be." 

"Haha, yeah. It can be, I guess." Izuku cackled, blushing slightly at the thought of a certain someone that had picked his interest, lately. 

"So, who? You're turning red. Who's the lucky girl?" The brunette excitedly squealed, clutching onto Midoriya's arm. The small male smiled wide, unsure whether he should answer to her question. 

"Well... I think... Katsuki's cool." He muttered. "Not a girl, but he's the most interesting person I've ever met. He's good-looking, social, smart, and perfect overall." He continued. 

"Kats? You're into guys? I thought that was a sin, to be gay while Christian." Ochako stated, confused. Izuku frowned in thought, unsure what to answer. 

"It is? I've never heard of a sin, frowning upon homosexuals. Maybe it is, I dunno." Izuku frowned. Midoriya lowered his eyes, unsure what to say next to break the awkward silence. "If I do like guys, would that be a problem between us?" He questioned, looking over to a surprised face. 

"What? No! 'Course not. Katsuki's bisexual, and I accept him. And Tsuyu's bisexual too. I just don't understand, how do you know you like guys if you've never masturbated before?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. Izuku blushed a little, thinking the question was a tad bit personal. 

"Well- I don't know. I just really like Katsuki. Personality-wise. I'm not attracted to him physically, or sexually. Although he does have a really impressive body." Midoriya muttered. "I just... I don't know. I like being around him." He finished. 

"Mm, ah. I understand." Uraraka giggled, seeing her friend's flustered expression as he spoke. "Well, my street's coming up. I guess we're parting ways here. I'll see you tomorrow, Izu." She waved, disappearing almost immediately. Izuku waved goodbye quickly, before heading off in the direction of his own home. 

His finals were coming up, just before Christmas break, something that stressed him out greatly. He wasn't sure if he'd pass these big tests or not, but the thought of failing them drove him insane. He had always been a straight A student, and he knew he'd disappoint his mother if his report card contained something lower than a B. She'd most likely keep him from going out with his friends any longer, and force him to study at every chance she'd get. That's the way Inko was. She just wanted the best for her son, and wanted him to graduate and live his life happily. 

The greenette sighed as he approached his home, going up his driveway. His mother was a nag, and he didn't like it one bit. He didn't want to admit it, but he wanted to live his life freely, without being held back by the bible. He wanted to do whatever he wanted, and have fun in life, like his friends were doing. 

And that's exactly what Izuku was going to do.

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