21: Katsuki's 18

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Izuku fixed his shirt, glancing one last time towards his mother who sat in the kitchen. 

"I won't be home too late." He spoke, earning a shrug from her. 

"It doesn't matter. You and your friend, have fun. Behave." The woman retorqued with an eye roll. Midoriya frowned, a lump forming in his throat. Two months, and she still hadn't warmed up to the idea of him exploring a different sexuality. She still spoke to him about marrying a wonderful woman, despite having told her numerous times that he was madly in love with a handsome, blonde classmate of his. 

Izuku looked over, through the window of his front door as he watched his boyfriend's car pull up. They had planned a drive-in date for Bakugou's birthday, which Midoriya thought was nice and exciting. He had never attended one before, and the thought of experiencing something like that with the handsome blonde made him happier than ever. 

The greenette bolted out the door, a wide smile planted on his face as he quickly got in his boyfriend's passenger seat, not without pressing a quick kiss on his cheek. 

"Ready?" The blonde spoke, waiting a little as the freckled male secured his safety belt. 

"Yep, of course. Let's go!" Izuku cheered, pointing to the road in front of them. And then, Bakugou brought them off on a two-hour-long ride, to Musutafu so they could spend the rest of the evening together. 

Butterflies filled Izuku's stomach as they neared their destination, only a about 50 extra miles to go. Although he thought the ride would be awkward, on the way there, Midoriya actually enjoyed himself. He conversed with his boyfriend more than he thought he would, talking about anything and everything all at once. Especially little topics like where they see themselves after graduation. Of course, both boys included each other in their future; both wanting to spend their lives together as a couple. 

For instance: Katsuki wanted a dog and a big apartment, while Izuku preferred the idea of having a smaller, cozy home with no pets at all. 

"Ah, fuck-" Katsuki randomly coughed, the sound of his engine suddenly starting to fail surrounding the areas. Bakugou winced, glancing in his rear view mirror, seeing the deserted road around them as he pulled over to the side, where his car completely stalled. 

"What's wrong?" Midoriya dared to ask, his stomach turning in worry. He had promised his mother he wouldn't be home past 2AM, so he hoped the engine trouble wouldn't be too bad. 

"I knew I fucking forgot something." The blonde cursed, beneath his breath, clearly upset. "Out of gas." He finished, resting his head against the steering wheel with a groan. A silence roamed and Izuku could tell his boyfriend was miserable. "I'm sorry." 

"It's alright! This is kind of cliché, but we can still pass the time together. We'll just wait until a car comes by, then we'll ask for help." Izuku stated, hesitantly patting Katsuki's back. 

"Yeah, well, if you haven't noticed, we're in the middle of fucking nowhere! I thought maybe taking a backroad would be faster, but no, guess I was wrong." Katsuki snapped, his voice raising. Izuku retracted his hand, brows furrowing as a feeling of sadness overtook him. "I just wanted this one day to go right, so I could spend some time alone with you." The blonde finished, lowering his voice again once he noticed the greenette didn't like it. 

"We are together. And, I know this road isn't too popular, but there's bound to be someone passing through momentarily. Besides, we can just call for help." Izuku shrugged. He watched as his boyfriend checked his phone screen, telling him he didn't have any signal and therefore wasn't able to call for help. They were stranded, somewhere in between Hosu and Musutafu. 

"Well, get comfortable, we're stuck here for a while." Bakugou eventually spoke, leaning back in his seat as he unbuckled his belt. Izuku unbuckled his own, shifting on his left hip so he could face his handsome boyfriend a bit better. 

"I don't mind. I'm with you, all alone." He cackled. "I love spending time with you. Just, as long as we don't get on each other's nerves." A smile was seen on Katsuki's face, the strange sight of the blonde's smile without braces making Izuku smile wider. He liked it when his boyfriend had braces, but he also thought he looked good without them.

"Y'know, there's one thing we can do to pass the time." Katsuki brought up, glancing to emerald eyes. "How about we occupy the backseat?" He winked, earning a flushed face from the other. Freckles completely disappeared in a red hue as Midoriya struggled to squeak out words. 

"K-Kacchan, I'm not ready to have sex... I promise my mom I wouldn't until marriage." He stammered, feeling his temples throb at every heartbeat. He winced as the blonde laughed loudly, opening the driver's door as he stepped out. 

"No, you dirty-minded weirdo! Not that, I just want to kiss and make out a little." The blonde cackled, hopping into the back of his car. Izuku smiled wide, slapping his cheeks to remove the blush as he got out of the vehicle, only to get back into the backseat. He took a few seconds to get comfortable, leaning back against the closed car door as Bakugou's lips collapsed with his own, the blonde's body hovering over him. 

The freckled male quickly wrapped his hands around Bakugou's neck, smiling through their kiss as he let out a muffled giggle. For several minutes, almost half an hour, the two did nothing but share kisses and intertwine their tongues. 

As the time neared midnight, Izuku found himself curled up in Bakugou's arms with a blanket pulled over him. The blanket the blonde used to cover his backseats, most of the time. There was nothing else to do but to sit still in his boyfriend's arms, enjoying his warmth. Before he knew it, he fell asleep, snoring softly and leaving Katsuki as the only one awake. 

The blonde struggled to wipe off a smile as he pressed a kiss on green curls. He glanced down to his phone screen, seeing the four bars at the top of his screen. The signal he had always had, though he didn't want to use. He wanted to spend his night with Izuku. That's why he had faked running out of gas. There wasn't really an All-Might movie playing in Musutafu. He had faked it all. All he wanted was to spend some time with his boyfriend, without having Izuku's mother nagging for them to be home on time. 

The night had gone perfectly, and he knew he'd surprise Izuku the next morning by telling him they weren't actually out of gas. That all he wanted was to spend some time with him alone. 

The blonde smiled, looking up to his ceiling with a sigh. Only, his smile suddenly wiped off with a loud noise approaching his car from behind, followed by flashing blue and red lights.

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