12: Sinful Izuku

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(Sucky Note: Now, I've never written this kind of nsfw before, so bear with me please- I tried my best to put as many details in without making it awkward or cringe, so- Let me know what you think of it.)

(Also, I'd like to thank a friend of mine: @your_local_kinnie for helping me out with this chapter. I got stumped, along the way, not knowing how to write a certain scene. They swooped in and helped me a bunch. Go ahead and check out their stories as well, they're a very talented author. Now, let's begin. Enjoy!)

"Okay, well, behave, Izuku." Inko repeated, fixing her attire as she clutched onto her purse. "I'll be working until 9AM, make sure not to miss the bus tomorrow morning. It's back to school, make sure not to have too much fun, focus on your studies." She rambled, trying her best to cover everything she wanted to tell her son. Her eyes trailed off the curly-haired teen, mindlessly typing away on his bed, giving her occasional glances. 

"I know, I know. I won't stay up late, either. Good night, mom. Have a nice shift." The teenager mumbled, suddenly looking up to the uneasy woman. She forced a weak smile, nodding with a hum. 

"Okay, well, goodnight sweetheart. Sleep well." She finished, exiting the hallway and making her way out of her home. Although she didn't like doing night shifts, she found them better in some way; she could spend time with her son when he got home from school. Though- All he did was lock himself up in his room to do homework, or chat with his friends. 

Once Izuku heard the front door close, he immediately switched tabs, blushing slightly at what he had been researching before his mother walked in. His very first time searching up pornography. He was curious, was it a bad thing? He simply wanted to learn more about sex, and maybe help figure out his own sexuality. 

Emerald eyes trailed over certain videos, trying his best to find some basic information, instead of full-on sex videos. All he wanted to know was how to figure out your own sexuality. He had tried a few quizzes, but they weren't accurate at all. Therefore, his last resort was to watch videos.

The greenette let out a shaky sigh as he rolled his mouse over a video he thought would help. Men. Gay sex. Watching it once should be enough to help him see if he'd be the type to enjoy it, right? He had already sinned before, with no regrets. Watching pornography wasn't too bad. With one quick click, Izuku leaned back to watch the video load. Eventually, a scene began unfolding. A rather cute man, along with what seemed to be his tough-looking boyfriend. One being taller than the other, covered in tattoos while the smaller male wore nothing but lacy lingerie. Izuku thought the scene was meant to be erotic for some people, but he found nothing exciting in watching the two exchange passionate kisses. 

Midoriya furrowed his brows, an uneasy feeling taking place as he watched both men shift over to their large bed, the smaller male removing his taller boyfriend's clothes. He shifted, continuing to watch with wide eyes as a pair of underwear dropped to the ground, revealing the tough man's erect member. Izuku flushed, though he was used to seeing penises. He had one, himself. 

He felt his face flush red at the sudden gentle touches the smaller man was receiving, seemingly enjoying his partner's affection. Not only did his heart rate accelerate, and his freckles disappear in a hue, but he felt his crotch twitch in excitement - Something he had only experienced once or twice throughout his life as a teen. 

"Oh jeez-" The small male hummed, unsure what to do. Was he ready to actually act in a lustful manner? Act in one of the worst sins? A small whine was heard and Izuku unzipped his jeans, shifting as he pulled them down a bit to release some tension. His brows furrowed at the sight of a bulge being visible in his underwear, since he wasn't used to seeing himself erect. A small whine escaped his lips once more as he hesitantly held his hand over his crotch, watching it twitch through the thin fabric.

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