22: Courage

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Izuku awkwardly glanced across the table where his mother ate her bowl of katsudon. Nearly three months now, that she had refused to make him dinner, and had become quite cold towards him. Sure, they shared a few conversations every now and then, but the tone of her voice was always dry and it was clear she didn't like to chat with him as much as she used to. 

He thought things were getting better, until he had been driven home by a female police officer on the night he was supposed to spend with his boyfriend. Of course, Katsuki received a ticket for parking on the side of the road without any flashing lights, especially in complete darkness. Luckily, the blonde was easily able to pay it off thanks to his parents. 

"Uhm, so..." The greenette started, his throat threatening to close as he glued his eyes to the sandwich in his hands. "Can we talk?" He managed to squeak. He honestly didn't want to confront his mother, but he felt as if he had no choice. He needed to talk to her about things and try to make their relationship feel nice again. 

"About?" The woman asked, raising a brow as she looked up. Midoriya gulped, struggling to keep eye contact. 

"Katsuki." He choked. An awkward silence roamed as he waited for the woman to speak up. 

"Go on." She eventually spat. 

"W-Well, I want you to know. I want you to know, mom, that I'm not going to marry a woman." Midoriya dropped his sandwich in his plate, gathering his courage to continue his upcoming ramble. "I'm not saying I'll marry Katsuki. But, I know I'm going to marry a man, one day. Or, spend my life with one. I hope so, at least. I don't have any kind of romantic or sexual interest in women." He continued, earning wide eyes from his mother at the word sexual

"Mom, I like boys. Men. Anybody who has masculine genitals, or whatever. I don't like women. I don't think I ever will. If you can't accept that, then you're not a good mother. You're supposed to be happy for me, no matter what path I go down, or what I choose to make of myself. You're supposed to be there for me, no matter what. So, please. Just try. For me. I want you to try and accept the fact that I'm happy with who I am; liking boys." 

Once again, a long and painful silence roams around the dinning room. Izuku examines his mother's face, trying to make out just what she was thinking in those moments of silence. He could tell she wasn't thrilled, of course. But there was something else, a look in her eyes he had never seen before. 

"Izuku, sleeping with men is a sin. You know that." The woman muttered, looking down with sad eyes. Midoriya felt his heart break, knowing damn well he was disappointing his mother. Though, he knew she had to come to terms with it eventually, and he knew his sexuality wasn't going to change any time soon. 

"I don't think it is. I mean, as long as someone's happy and in love, then there shouldn't be a problem. I love Katsuki, mom. And I'd love for you to meet him. He's not some delinquent, trouble-maker you think he is. He takes care of me, he's goofy and nice. I promise to not act lustful with him until marriage. All I've done with him so far, is share a few kisses." Midoriya spoke, seeing his parent's brows furrow in thought. Another short silence circulated before Inko spoke up. 

"I want to meet him. Your graduation is coming up. Izumo and your father will be coming over to celebrate it. They'll be staying for about four days. I want you to bring this Katsuki boy to meet me and your father. If he's not to my liking, then you have to break up with him." The woman stated, picking at her meal. Izuku smiled wide, pure joy overtaking him.

"Really? Are you serious?" He excitedly asked, leaning forward. He watched as his mother forced a smile, clearly a little bothered by the situation. But the fact that she was trying, and putting some effort for him to be happy made him happy too. 

"I'm serious. BUT- As I said. If I don't like him, you're not seeing him again." The woman repeated. Midoriya kept a smile as he bit into the last piece of his sandwich, a thought coming to mind. 

"Does that mean I get to have my laptop back?" He questioned. His mother hesitated, eventually standing up from her chair and placing her empty dish on the kitchen counter. She completely left the room for several minutes, leaving her son alone and confused before she returned. 

"I put your laptop on your desk. I don't want you making any inappropriate searches on it, though." She clarified, preparing the dishes. Izuku nodded, his heart thumping. 

"Does that mean you'll make food for me too, now? And we're getting along again? And you'll stop making homophobic comments around me?" The small male rambled, emerald eyes glued to his mother's back. 

"I'll try my best not to say anything hurtful to you anymore. So, if I say anything that hurts your feelings, let me know." She said. "And yes, I'll make food for you again. I'm sorry I acted so immaturely, sweetheart. I didn't know how to process the information."

Izuku smiled wide before answering. 

"It's alright, as long as we're getting along again. Oh, Kacchan's gonna be so happy to know this!" He cheered, pushing away from the table so he could hurry up the stairs, hoping to unblock his boyfriend and tell him the good news. 

It only took a few seconds for the greenette to find Katsuki's profile again, even if his mother had deleted him from his contacts and blocked him. And, of course, he hurried to send a quick message to the man he loved the most.

💚Izuku💚: Guess who got their laptop back?? And got somewhat accepted by their mom?? 😄😄😄


💚Izuku💚: YEAH! I'm super happy. 

🧡Katsuki🧡: This is great, we can text again 🙂

💚Izuku💚: I mean, my mom has a few things she asked back though.

🧡Katsuki🧡: Like what?

💚Izuku💚: She wants to meet you properly, during the days of our graduation! You'd get to meet my dad and my older sister Izumo too!

🧡Katsuki🧡: I want to break up 😀👍

Midoriya smiled wide, shaking his head with a scoff as he knew his boyfriend was only fooling around.

💚Izuku💚: Oh, come on! Don't be like that. She'll love you. Just don't swear so much and keep your language clean. Like a true gentleman. You already are a gentleman so it shouldn't be too difficult for you. 🙂

🧡Katsuki🧡: You sure?? I don't think she'll like me. Especially after I illegally parked on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere just to get away from her. 
🧡Katsuki🧡: Y'know, if the cop wouldn't have been passing by, we would have been fine. 🙄

💚Izuku💚: Hahaha, it'll be fine. I promise, she'll love you. Besides, it's only in like a month of so. You have plenty of time to prepare.

🧡Katsuki🧡: I'll do my best. But if she wants us to break up, I'm kidnapping you and bringing you somewhere nobody will find us.

💚Izuku💚: Omg, you're so weird. 🤣

🧡Katsuki🧡: Yeah but you love how weird I am, you weirdo 🙄🤣

Izuku laughed, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend's message. His heart fluttered as he continued to type, yawning as he did so.

💚Izuku💚: Alright, I have to go now, good night you big, big weirdo🤣❤️

🧡Katsuki🧡: Good night you big, big, big weirdo ❤️

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