Chapter 13 | Beta-Boy's Sass

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March 30th, 2013

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March 30th, 2013

(Riot Roi)

So much for a heart-racing fight.

The 16-year-old frustratingly kicked pebbles as she wandered down the pathway. Her clothing was covered in mud and dirt from being left inside a tree trunk.

Her entire day was spent speeding through the rainforests of Washington, searching and sniffing, only to come up with four rogues and a patrol she narrowly avoided. Riot was on the hunt for the Tyrant, but she came up empty-handed.
Artio speculated that they must've killed the Tyrant in the group of rogues they came across- but there was no way. This wolf was infamous for their power- taking down betas and gammas! That would've been a memorable battle.

If she ever battled them- and she knew she'd win- she'd definitely mount that fucks head.

Cronus must've been wrong about the Tyrant. They didn't exist. But why would he lie to her? She kicked a rock angrily; her eyebrows scrunched down in frustration. 

She quickly arrived at the two-story apartment block with the appearance of a motel. Riot knew where Cronus was staying because he got a room next door to hers- which she didn't fail to notice. Her face scrunched up as she fought off a fuzzy feeling in her stomach.
When the apartment door was in sight- she noticed a tall boy standing outside the door. He was lean and looked younger than she was. His black hair was combed back, with unshaven hair growing along his jaw. 

He looked up and noticed her approaching with curious brown eyes. "Get out of the way." She demanded rudely as she approached the door.

Riot pounded her fist on the door. The younger boy's nose scrunched up, "Fuck you." He snapped, "You rogue scum need to learn respect." 

She turned to face him with a dangerous look, but he wasn't intimidated. "This is unclaimed territory, fucker." She hissed. He took a step closer toward her, "The first dead rogue on it will plant a good landmark." 

Her irises became smaller, fists clenching and teeth grinding. Angered, she grabbed the neck of his black tank top. Immediately, his large hands met hers. Riot released a strained breath, "I'm not against killing little kids, boy." 
His irises also became smaller, his fists holding onto hers tightly. "Yeah, grandma?" He spat, "Guess I'll have to embarrass you when I kick your fucking ass." His voice went threateningly low, canines visibly enlargening.

The apartment door beside them flew open, exposing a tired Cronus. A white towel was wrapped around his waist, his muscular torso exposed. Beads of water rolled down his body. He wasn't ripped, but he looked pretty good.

"Holy shit." He breathed tiredly, "You've breathed the same air for two seconds, and you're already at each other's throats." 

Cronus roughly grabbed their hands and broke them off- pushing the two angry wolves away from each other. "Not my fault he's such a bitch." Riot hissed. The younger man curled his lip at her, "Yeah? Then you're a cunt."

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