Chapter 20 | Club Mischeif

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Sweaty bodies collided and shook, tight outfits hugging women's bodies and messy clothing hung from the men

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Sweaty bodies collided and shook, tight outfits hugging women's bodies and messy clothing hung from the men.

Spotlights flashed rapidly- the walls and ground shaking as the music's bass thundered like a war drum.

A dark corner welcomed her presence- its cold arms wrapping around her.

Clouded blue eyes seared holes into a plump figure across the room- who bounced up and down with her friends and drank. Watching her dear sister party was definitely a new one for her. When she thinks of her- she thinks of the little girl she knew back then.
Her hands slid into her pockets. Riot wore a black tank-top and leather jacket, her leather pants hanging from her legs. It was unusual for her to be wearing so much- let alone hang out in civilization. She'd scoff as River parted the seas into the mix of the crowd.

All of a sudden her cerulean eyes landed on Riot. With a scoff- she stole her eyes off from her and hurriedly pushed away through the crowd.

A prodding feeling poked at the back of her mind- as if someone was asking to be let in. 

She knew she was following her. Seems buzzed River is a curious River. Pushing past numerous people- who glared holes at her in turn- she'd turn a corner and approach the VIP section bouncer.

He rose a brow- only to lower his shoulders when her searing stare landed on him. He'd clear his throat, adverting his eyes. Riot rushed past him.

The VIP section was nearly just as loud- but less people dancing. The place stunk of booze and werewolf. Her nose scrunched up.

Disappearing into the section- she'd slink away behind a corner amongst broken club lights. Her sister came in like a raging bull- searching for her desperately. She'd snicker as River would get in a fight with the olive-toned man.

Marcus- is it? She's never met the gamma before.

"Must've been his father that we killed." Artio's voice broke through her mind- making her shiver.

That's right. Amongst all the rogues she kills- his got lost in the count. Her wolf didn't appear to appreciate her lack of concern or empathy. She's paid her grief long ago.

This time- Riot got a better view of Lucifer.

It was him alright. The snarky attitude, the desperation to lead the room, and especially his stupid suit. Riot pursed her lips- slowly nodding in recognition. Seems he lived up to his role as a Beta male.

What she couldn't get over was not how he looked at River- but how she looked back.

Was she too late? Are they mates?

When the three disappeared into the private room- Riot took this moment to get the fuck out of there. Moving to leave her spot, the building shook from Lucifer's little tantrum. She'd pause.

Though it wasn't his growl that made her pause.

It was the scent of bark and blown-out candles. The lullaby of a smell wafted through her senses- easing her pains and anger.

Her chest rose and fell quickly; barely able to swallow the saliva flooding her mouth.

Riot stumbled back around the corner- knowing she should book it out the nearest window- but she just needed one peak. Just one look. Peering around the corner- the exact source of that smell stood in all his glory.
He thundered up the stairs to the VIP section, irritation scrunching up his features. Dark auburn strands meticulously cut in a quiff hairstyle- messy stubble lining his sharp jaw. She'd quickly shield her eyes- unable to take in more of his appearance.

But he was... grown up. He was taller, bulkier, and just more- manly.

Riot rose her hand to cover her mouth. His power radiated through the room- telling her loud and clear that he's taken the position as Alpha. 

What was she to do? As much as Riot wanted to run and jump into his arms- she knew he'd never forgive her. 

"He will." Artio whispered carefully.

No he won't.

She disappeared further down the hall. If she tried passing by that private room- he'd be able to smell her like she was the only one in the room. Slipping around corners- she'd happen upon the end of the hallway.

A window sat at the end, two doors along the wall showing it was the VIP bathrooms. 

Riot approached the window- unlocking its hinges and staggeringly pushing it open. The dust and rickety noise it made was evident it hadn't been touched in fucking decades.

Regardless of how far- the looming heat at the other side of the hall alerted her.

His scent flooded the hallway- streaming out the window like a hurricane. Her eyes widened- heart thundering in her ribcage as she'd throw herself out the window. Riot barely managed to duck and roll at the bottom.

Did he see her? Did he smell her?

She could only hope he was heading toward the bathrooms.

If Lucifer and... him... were going to be around River more often- she'll have to push her plans into action sooner then she expected.

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