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He lived in a row house. I parked my car in front of his door. I sighed as the buckets and buckets of rain washed over my car.

It would only be two seconds in the rain but still. Just the thought made me grumpy. Where was the sun?

So as it turns out Benjamin had just been overreacting. His eye was totally fine! I thankfully got off with a warning. Benjamin had begged them not to call his parents and he insisted on not filing an official complaint. He wanted to fit in I guess.

I rushed out of my car and ran under the shelter of Timothy's roof. There was a bell and a golden knocker held by a gargoyle. I looked around and realized the fence was also guarded by gargoyles. I shook my head and rang the bell.

Shortly after the door swung open.

Jesus Christ, it had only been two days! And already his hair was a different color! In addition to his blonde locks he now also had blood-red highlights in his hair. He wore a matching red-black striped vest and unlike last time it was TIGHT. Almost as tight as his fucking pants. What was with this guy? He also wore messy black polish on his nails and one of his All Star sneakers had a red lace instead of a black one.

"Hi." He smiled brightly. I was sure his boyfriend had just finished fucking him.

"Let's just get this over with." I grumbled as I brushed past him.

The hallway had black and white checkered flooring and deep purple walls.

I walked into the living room and noticed a similar color scheme. Who in their right mind did this?!

"Did you decorate in here?"


I sighed and shook my head. His parents were probably as fucking weird as him.

"Alright I'm heading out." A short, bald, fat man came in. "Ah! You must be Josh!" He stuck out his hand. He was normal. No gayliner, no super tight black clothes. Just a regular dude. I sighed of relief.

"Yes. It's nice to meet you, sir." I said politely.

"I'm Tim's dad. I'm going to work. I should be back pretty soon since I'm just filling in while Kane picks up his kids. I'll bring you guys home a nice big steak... You eat meat, don't you?"

"Of course!" I was already looking forward to it.

"Good! The last guy that came over.."

"Dad.." Timothy protested.

"What?! What kind of man doesn't eat meat?! And no milk, no cheese..." The man grumbled as he went into the hallway. He grabbed his umbrella. "Uh.. oh! You can call me Joe! Call me if you two need anything. Tim has my number. Goodbye now!"

"Bye." I chuckled.

"Bye dad." Timothy went into the kitchen.

His dad was okay. He seemed nice enough. A bit of a cook maybe but at least he wasn't a fag. I followed Timothy into the kitchen and gritted my teeth.

Red, white and black. I nearly slammed my head into the wall.

"Do you want a drink?" Timothy asked as he rummaged through the fridge.


Timothy grabbed two red cans and handed me one.

I opened it and followed after him. We walked up the (surprise, surprise) black stairs. The hallway upstairs was green and black. I rolled my eyes. "Did you design the whole house?!"

"Yeah. Do you like it?"

"No! How did your dad ever agree to this!"

Timothy smirked. "Well, he said I could do whatever I wanted so long as I stayed off his room."

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ