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We made it to our campsite in the late afternoon. It was still light out and it was nice and warm. After hearing who everyone was rooming with we all set up our tents in a big circle. Well, I did most of the work since T was weak and shitty at anything survival.

"Will you at least hand me that nail over there?" I asked.

"Sure." T shrugged and gave it to me.

"I thought your dad was the type to take you out camping."

"Oh he did." T grimaced.

I chuckled. "And you hated every minute of it."

"Hate is an understatement." T sat next to me in the grass. He sighed. "Do they even have electricity here?"

"I'm sure they do, princess. I mean, what do you even need it for?"

"My hair." T said dead serious.

"Pfft. Gay."

T pulled up his eyebrows. "Jock."

I smiled and gave him a soft push.

"You're not exactly pulling your weight, are you, T?" Some doofus said.

I looked up into the sun. I shielded my eyes with my hand. Blade.

His hair was black and spiky, his eyebrows were pierced and he wore a black tank top with ripped light blue bleached jeans and white sneakers. He also had black smudged makeup on his eyes that made him look like he'd just escaped a mine or something. 

"Josh wanted some time to demonstrate his masculinity." T smirked.

"Ah, I see." Blade chuckled. He didn't even look at me. His eyes were solely on Timothy and mine were on his neck. I was trying to calculate how much pressure I'd have to apply for it to snap in half.

"Are you coming? Allie and I are going to walk down the beach."

"Sure." T got up.

"Hello? Are you really gonna leave me to figure this shit out on my own?"

"Oh, it's not like he's of much help anyway." Blade said, grabbing T's hand.

"No, Josh is right. The least I can do is-" T shrieked as Blade picked him up in his arms. He ran off with him without another word.

I knew that dude was fucking trouble! I slammed my hammer into the ground a few times.

"Sucks you have to share with him." Dave said as he and my other friends approached me.

"Tell me about it." I grumbled as I hit the last nail into the ground.

I spent the rest of that afternoon with my friends, worrying about what T was up to with that new emo freak. Ugh! Why couldn't guys just fucking lay off him!

There was a wooden cabin-like house where everyone collected. There was a living room, kitchen and a long table in a hall where we were supposed to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Then there was a separate cabin with showers and bathrooms.

I scanned the table but didn't find T anywhere. Allie was there with her other freak friends.

I stabbed my hamburger angrily and began to munch on it.

"You've been in a bad mood all day. Is it because of your dad?" Dave spoke discreetly into my ear.

No. I'd actually kind of managed to forget about that. Thanks a lot, Dave.

"Yes." I grumbled.

"Your dad seems better now than last time I saw him, man. Maybe you should give him a chance."

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now