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When I woke up T was no longer in my arms. Confused, I sat up only to find him looking through my clothes.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

T looked up at me. "Nothing." He said, continuing his search through my closet.

I frowned and shook my head.

After a while T finally pulled out an old sweater of mine. He smiled at it. Then he peered at me.

"What is it?" I chuckled.

"Just wish I could wear this to school." He said quietly.

A big smile covered my face. "Why?"

"It's what you wore when you kissed me at camp." T said shyly.

I laughed. "You remember what I wear?"

"No." T said defensively. Then he laughed in defeat.

"Loser." I threw a pillow at him. "Dork."

Timothy smirked. He hugged the sweater close to him.

What the fuck was this guy's deal? There's no reason to be this adorable all the time! Like, it's not hard to act disgusting or normal, just once but no!

"You can wear it if you want. I doubt anyone saw it. And it's pretty generic, so."

"Really?" Timothy's eyes lit up.

"Yes." I chuckled shaking my head.

T looked extremely happy.

"Come here." I said.

He crawled over the sheets and met my lips. I felt his tongue graze my lip.

"Boys!" Joe called from the hallway. We immediately pulled away from each other right before he opened the door.

"Oh good! You're up!" Joe said relieved. "I came in an hour ago and you were both fast asleep. You looked so cute all curled up together like that!" Joe fawned.

For a moment I worried he had the wrong idea (which was actually the right idea) but then I realized he watched us like we were new born puppies. If he thought I was regularly boning his son he probably wouldn't be so delighted.

"Now, get to school, okay? I'll be back a little later from work. Bye now!"

"Bye!" Timothy and I said in unison.

When we heard the front door close we kissed again as if nothing had happened.

It was a misty, frosty morning. The air felt crisp as I made my way out of the house. T and I may or may not have missed first period because.. Well, because of my sex drive.

We were both wearing knit hats and gloves and scarves cause it was that time again. Summer was way over.

Timothy pulled the door shut behind him and the second he attempted to make his first proper step outside he slipped on the ice covered ground. Thankfully (because of my sexy, manly football reflexes) I caught him in my arms before he hit the ground and pulled him back up.


I hardly gave him a chance to fall again. I lifted him up in my arms and carried him to my car. I put him on the hood. He cringed at the cold.

"Those shoes are gonna kill you." I said, staring at his all stars.

"I don't have other shoes."

Of course he doesn't. I sighed, giving him a hopeless look.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now