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People in black were running all over the place backstage carrying instruments and things. I was just looking for T.

"Great job. Damn, I had no idea you could sing!" Someone beamed.

I followed the sound and found Timothy talking to one of the crew members.

"Thanks." He smiled.

When the guy walked off I stepped in.

Timothy looked relieved and happy to see me.

"I didn't do anything! She kissed me and I felt nothing! I'm sorry, I know this was meant to be special and everything-"

"Josh, it's fine." T said calmly. His eyes looked tender. He squeezed my arm.


"I know she kissed you and that you didn't intend for that to happen. Calm down, it's okay." T stroked my arm.

"But.. she ruined the moment. I was going to.. You really don't care?" I said.

"It was shocking and not exactly how I planned.. but I know you don't like her. I guess she just felt safe with you." T shrugged. "I'm just happy you're here."

I scoffed in disbelief. Wow, he seriously couldn't care less. His boyfriend had just been kissed by someone else and he barely bat an eye.

And I knew exactly why. This just proved everything. All the doubts I'd been having. This was why. Finally the truth came out.

And I'd been so worried getting over to him, thinking he'd be crying or angry or jealous but no! Why would he be? He doesn't love me!

"Hey, Tim, can I talk to you for a second?" Blade came in.

I was honestly in shock.

"Can it wait?" T asked, glancing at me for a short moment.

"It's seriously important." Blade insisted.

T gave me an apologetic look as Blade took him apart. I watched them from a distance.

Timothy leaned against the wall, Blade stood too close him. He said something I couldn't hear.

Was he into Blade? Was that it? Or was it still...

Blade grabbed Timothy's shoulder and he began to blush as Blade said something. He looked at the ground awkwardly. Anywhere but at him.

See? That's love. The nerves, the jitters.. He doesn't care about me. And why would he? Why would you care about someone who keeps you a secret?

T looked up again, carefully. And then Blade pressed his lips on Timothy's only for a short moment. It was enough to nauseate me. I left.

I was so fucking done. I hacked through the crowd in the gym to the empty hallway.

It was dark in here. It would've been pitch black if it wasn't for the light coming from outside.

"Josh, wait!" I heard behind me.

"No need. It's all clear to me." I growled.

Our voices echoed through the hallway.

"What? Josh!" T grabbed my arm and spun me around. Now he looked concerned for once.

"I had no idea he was going to-"

"You should've known! I've been telling you for MONTHS! And you wouldn't believe me!"

"I honestly thought we were just friends-"

"Really? Or did you secretly hope for more?" I accused.


"Is that why you didn't do anything? You liked it, didn't you? Are you into him?"

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now