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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷DELETED SCENE #7ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
(act ii)

-TRAINING ARCHERS-—————————————————ˏˋ°•*⁀➷DELETED SCENE #7ˏˋ°•*⁀➷(act ii)

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A FEW ARCHERS were lined up along with Susan and Emily. They were tasked with training the archers so they could stand a chance against the Telmarine army. Trufflehunter held a target shaped like a Telmarine shoulder and each archer took their shot. "Nope." Trufflehunter sighed. "Not a scratch."

"It's all right." Emily assured, looking towards the other archers. "Rome wasn't built in a day." Susan muttered. "How long did it take?" A minotaur questioned. "It's just a phrase." Susan assured. "Let's just go again." Emily suggested.

The sound of an arrow whooshed and hit the Telmarine dummy in the chest. "Hey!" Trufflehunter exclaimed. "Nice shot." Susan frowned. She turned to look at Emily who had her bow lowered. She hadn't used it. "Which one of you.."

"Good afternoon, your majesties." A voice spoke from behind. Everyone turned to look at Caspian who was loading another arrow into his crossbow. "I thought you could use some help."

"Things are well in hand, thank you." Susan assured, as Caspian stepped forward. "I didn't mean to suggest otherwise." Caspian asserted. "I suppose you could do better." Susan suggested. Caspian smirked. "Pick a target." He challenged. Susan glanced around, before finding what she was looking for.

"You see that pine cone?" Susan questioned. Caspian smirked again. "No problem." He lifted his crossbow and aimed. Susan moved to tilt the crossbow up towards the pine cone quite far away. "That one." She corrected.

Caspian lowered his crossbow, glancing between Susan and the tree. "Are you sure that's not an acorn?" Caspian questioned. "Too far for you, Caspian?" Emily piped up, smirking to herself. Caspian lifted up his crossbow, aimed and shot towards the far away pine cone.

The arrow just missed the pine cone. "Not bad." Susan acknowledged. "Well, I was trained by the finest in the Telmarine army." Caspian slightly bragged. Emily raised her brows, smirking to herself at the two's endless flirting. "Wow. If that's the best they've got.." Susan raised her bow. "We might stand a chance after all." She let the arrow go and it hit the pine cone out of the tree.

The arrow landed on the floor with the pine cone lodged inside. The sound of a horse galloping caught the attention of Caspian, Emily and Susan. They all raised their weapons as the Telmarine galloped away into the trees. They all glanced at each other before returning back to the How to explain what they saw.

"It's only a matter of time. Miraz's mean and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle." Peter began. "What do you propose we do, your majesty?" Reepicheep questioned.

"We need to get ready for it." "To start planning for.." Peter and Caspian both spoke up. They both glanced at each other, Peter glaring towards Caspian. "Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us." Peter carried on. "That's crazy. Nobody has ever taken that castle." Caspian spoke up, disagreeing.

"There's always a first time." Peter shrugged his shoulders. "We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin persuaded. "But we have the advantage here." Caspian begged. "If we dig in, we could probably hold them off indefinitely." Susan added.

"I, for one, feel safer underground." Trufflehunter spoke up. "Look, I appreciate what you've done here. But this is not a fortress. It's a tomb." Peter looked towards Caspian. "Yes. And if they're smart, the Telmarines will wait and starve us out." Edmund added.

"That's assuming that they are smart." Emily mumbled to herself. "We could collect nuts?" A squirrel suggested. "Yes! And throw them at the Telmarines!" Reepicheep agreed, sarcastically. "Shut up! I think you know where I stand, sire."

"If I get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" Peter questioned, looking towards the Centaur. Glenstorm glanced around, uncertain. "Or die trying, my liege." He accepted. "That's what I'm worried about." Lucy spoke up. "Sorry?" Peter questioned, turning towards his younger sister.

"Well, you're all acting like there's two options. Dying here, or dying there." Lucy explained. "I'm not sure you've really been listening, Lu." Peter began. "I agree with Lucy." Emily piped up. "I'm sorry?" Peter turned towards her, frowning. "I said I agree with Lucy."

"Why should we listen to you, your majesty?" A minotaur spoke up. "Why wouldn't you?" Emily questioned. "You spent 8 years killing people.." Emily frowned at the Minotaur. "There's stories about it.."

"Okay, first of all, do you believe everything you read? Because most stories are not straight facts. And second of all, assuming that your statement is correct, defending myself against them is wrong is it? I wouldn't be here if I didn't defend myself." Emily defended. The minotaur didn't say anything. Emily nodded her head, before turning back to Peter. Edmund smirked to himself, looking down to hide his smile.

"Peter, if you lead these people into that castle, your asking to loose half your army. We don't have the advantage. Did you see how many people were working on that bridge. There's got to be more at the castle. Miraz probably has tons of men prepared. And we've only got a small army. If you lead these soldiers into battle and they get killed. Its not going to be my fault, its not going to be pretty Prince Caspian's fault, or Lucy's fault. It'll be your fault. You will be the one to blame. You tell us that we need to take responsibility, maybe you're the one that needs to take responsibility." Emily got up and stormed out the room.

Peter stood with no expression on his face. Lucy looked shocked as did Susan. The rest of the Narnians stayed silent. "That's my girl." Edmund whispered to himself, looking down to hide his smile.

At sunset, the Narnian army began to leave Aslan's How to make their way to Miraz's castle. Emily emerged from the How after quickly putting her armour on. She gave Lucy a hug. "Promise you'll be careful?" Lucy whispered. "I promise I'll be careful, Lu." Emily kissed the top of Lucy's hair, glaring at Peter as she walked past.

Peter stared as Emily walked off and the glanced at Lucy, to see she was already angrily staring at him. Disappointed, she turned and walked back into the How.



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