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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷DELETED SCENE #9ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
(act iii)

-THE WEDDING-———————————————ˏˋ°•*⁀➷DELETED SCENE #9ˏˋ°•*⁀➷(act iii)

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AFTER A MONTH of preparing for the wedding, sorting out the wedding dress, the cake, the decorations, everything the wedding needed. The day was finally there.

It had been a month since she had left Narnia. It had been a month since she left Edmund at the station.

What couldn't leave her mind was a sense of hope, that she would go back. But then she reminded herself, last time they left, it took a whole year for them to return all together.

And now both Susan and Peter were never going to be able to come back. They were now able to go and live their lives.

The other thing that stayed in the back of her mind, was what Aslan had told her the night before she left.

So, here Emily sat. Front row of chairs at sunset. On the cliffs of Dover. The guests stood up, gaping at the woman walking down the aisle. Her long blonde locks, cascading down her back and her white dress gliding behind her.

She had a big smile on her face as she held a bouquet of lightly coloured flowers in her hand.

She finally reached the make-shift altar, where a man stood proudly in a tailored suit. "Today we are gathered to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter for these two incredible people." The minister began.

Emily pulled a face at the words incredible people. "Do you, Silvio Mendez, take Diann Rozanne to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

The man in the tailored suit smiled, holding his fiancé's hands in his. "I do."

Emily rolled her eyes. "And do you, Diann Rozanne, take Silvio Mendez to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister turned to Diann.

The woman smiled as the setting sun shone on her face. "I do." The two exchanged rings. "You may now kiss the bride." The minister granted.

Silvio pulled Diann in by the waist and kissed her. The sun danced in multiple oranges and pinks as it settled over the horizon across the sea.

The crowd applauded them as they made their way happily back down the aisle. Emily sat in her chair with her arms crossed. Watching as the sun disappeared on the horizon.

Just like it did when she was on the balcony with Edmund. The night that she danced with him after he apologised about everything.

The after party was extremely lovely. Emily stood watching all the guests either in conversation or dancing. It reminded her of the many balls Susan had thrown back in Narnia except Emily wasn't having as much fun as she did then.

She also noticed at how most of the men were glaring at her father out of jealousy and most of the women, gawking at how beautiful Diann was.

Emily noticed a waitress bringing champagne around. She snatched a glass off the tray, holding it in her hand. Mostly giving her father death stares as he danced with his new wife.

She didn't understand how he could be so happy, knowing everything that he's done. He cheated and killed her mother. He was supposed to love her. But he decided that she wasn't enough. A figure approached, standing next to Emily.

"I'd be careful if I were you. You wouldn't want to cut yourself by breaking the glass." The man spoke, snapping Emily out of her daze and releasing the tight grip she hadn't realised she had on the glass.

She glanced at the man next to her. He was a little taller than her, maybe two years older than herself. He had dark hair and dark eyes. Just like he did. She blinked slightly, wondering if it was him.

But it wasn't.

"Miss, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." The man asked, concerned. Emily snapped out of her daze and tearing her eyes away from the man. "I am so sorry. I just- You remind me of a friend that I miss." Emily apologised.

"Is there a reason you miss this friend?" The man questioned, raising his brow. "We never plan to meet. It just happens. And he also lives in London and I live in the middle of nowhere." Emily replied, taking a sip of her drink.

"Well, why don't you go visit him?" The man suggested, giving a small frown. "Are you kidding? My father would never allow that. And besides, I'm sure he's preoccupied with other things." Emily tore her eyes away from the man and back to the many dancing couples.

"Well, then he's a dick." Emily turned her head towards the man, her eyebrows raised. "If he can't make time for you. He's not worth it."

Emily sighed, looking down. "Look, maybe you need a distraction from your mysterious friend. And this wedding that seems to be bothering you." The man concluded.

"How could you tell?" Emily frowned. "Sweetheart, I could tell you weren't happy from a mile away. You weren't that subtle." The man smirked as Emily rolled her eyes.

"So. What are you suggesting?" Emily questioned, looking up at the man. He held out a hand for Emily to take. Emily looked down at his hand and then back up to his face. She sighed, placing her champagne glass on the table behind her and took the man's hand.

He led her to the dance floor. A slow song began to play on the piano. The man's hands moved down to Emily's waist as hers went to rest upon the man's shoulders.

The two swayed back and forth. Diann took notice of this and nudged Silvio. Nodding her head towards the two, "I have an idea." she whispered.

Back to Emily and her dance partner. "Was this a good enough distraction?" he questioned.

"Hmm. Possibly. Possibly not. You'll never know." She smirked. The song came to a finish and the guests parted from the dance to engage in conversation. "I didn't catch your name, Miss."

"Emily, pleasure to meet you." She did a fake curtesy with her dress. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Emily, My name's Matthew Edwards." He did a fake bow and Emily shook her head, smiling.

"I hope we meet again, Miss Emily." He lifted her hand and kissed it before disappearing into the crowd.

Emily watched as he disappeared, before turning to the side, lowering her head to hide her smile.



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