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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷DELETED SCENE #8ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
(act ii)

-PICKING MARSHALLS-——————————————————ˏˋ°•*⁀➷DELETED SCENE #8ˏˋ°•*⁀➷(act ii)

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PETER AND CASPIAN walked through the walls of the How, after sending Edmund to go send the message to Miraz. "This is not what I meant. This is my fight." Caspian began. "I think we've already tried that." Peter reminded, referring to the castle raid.

Caspian slowed down. Peter turned towards him. "Look. If there's ever going to be peace with the Telmarines you have to be the one who brings it." Peter reminded. "Not gonna, if you won't let me." Caspian argued.

"The only reason I'm doing this is to get Emily back. For Ivy, For Lucy and for Edmund." Peter added. "I remember the last time we lost Emily and the two of them were not the same. I can't stand to see them upset. That's why I'm doing it for them as well as Narnia's sake."Peter recalled, easily remembering the memory.

Caspian slightly frowned. "How about this. If I don't make it, Narnia's future is in your hands." Peter finally explained. "And what about your own future?" Caspian questioned. "I was thinking about a career in medicine." Peter turned to see Trumpkin laying out his armour for the battle. Trumpkin held out the helmet and Peter took it into his hands.

"Your highness?" The bear questioned. "Yes?" Peter laid the helmet back on the round stone table. "I'm a bear."

"And a fine one, I'm sure." Peter turned to walk away. "Begging your pardon. But tradition hold that you pick your Marshalls of the List." The bear explained. "He's right. You need to choose your seconds." Caspian pointed out. "Don't let him. He'll just fall asleep and suck his paws." Trumpkin added, glaring at the bear.

"Sire, my life is forever at your command but I had thought perhaps I might be sent for this challenge." Reepicheep began. Trumpkin chuckled. "As you know, my good Reepicheep. Many humans are afraid of mice. And it really wouldn't be fair to Miraz to have anything in sight that could further dilute his courage." Peter sternly told the mouse. "Of course, your majesty is the mirror of honour."

"Caspian." Peter turned towards him. "Tell Glenstorm, I want him, Ed and.." Peter ordered. "Please, your majesty." The bear persuaded. "It is your right. And my honour. But you must remember not to suck your paws." Peter reminded. As soon as Peter turned away, Trumpkin groaned. "Oh. He doing it right now!"

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Peter questioned, looking towards the bear. "Are you sure that you are?" Caspian asked. Peter turned towards Caspian, before slowly looking down.


Edmund walked through the tall grass, parchment held in his hand. One of the giants on one side and a centaur on the other side.

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