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The scene open up to show a young male, around 15, with (h/c) hair, (s/c) smooth skin, and glowing red eyes with sharp yellow teeth, however, the only thing that stood out about the person was what he was covered in. Both arms and places around his mouth, both completely soaked in bright red blood as he is seen crouching over another being who's stomach was completely wide open and the kid slowly putting more and more of his organs in his mouth.

While stuffing the dead man's organs into his mouth, he is heard slowly muttering something under his breath "Hungry, so very hungry,"

The kid continued to repeat what he had said over and over as he continuously put more and more organs into his mouth, chewing then swallowing it. He eventually ripped an arm off of the dead man's body and started biting into it until he was left with nothing but a bone in his hand "More, need more," he said as he pulled off more limbs from the man's body and ate them all.

Just before he got to the head, a door suddenly swung open to reveal a tall man with a fearful expression as he looked at the boy holding the head of another person "(Y/n), WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE!!" The man yelled as the boys eyes reverted back from red to his natural (e/c) eyes and his teeth back to a regular humans.

The boys expression then suddenly went from one of dazed hunger to an expression of fear and shock as he realized what he had in his hands. "D-Dad, I-I was j-just hung-," "SHUT THE HELL UP!!" His now revealed dad suddenly yelled "THIS IS THE THIRD TIME THIS DAY YOU'VE EATEN SOMEONE," The boy was just sitting there with tears running down his cheeks knowing he was guilty as charged.

"You know what, I've had it with your bullshit (Y/n)!" His father said not letting his voice full of rage die down "I'm sending you somewhere where I no longer have to put up with this!" "B-but dad I-," Before he even got his final words out, he was cut off by the sound of the door slamming shut, leaving (Y/n) to cry in silence and shame after whispering under his breath two words "I'm sorry".

As he cried he could hear his father talking to his mother on the phone as he slowly got up and quickly moved away from the now skeleton like body, putting down its head as he walk out the room.

After a while his father came back up to him, now with his mother as they look at their child with disappointment "Your a damn freak, you know that?" His father said as (Y/n) still had his head down while sitting on a chair, still having blood stains around his mouth.

"Luckily you'll get to be around your kind of people, cause your packing your things and moving there," his mother followed up while (Y/n) didn't bother to argue, knowing he would just fight a losing battle. After that, (Y/n) got up and moved towards his bedroom to start packing, suddenly the entire room went black and a entity can be seen in front of him, wearing a deer skull and having a slim skinny body that looked like it hadn't eaten for years. "You should have eaten them all," The creature suddenly spoke as (Y/n) ignored him and continued packing his clothes despite being in an all black room.

"You could have eaten them all and shown them who was the real man of the house," "Yea, the cops when they lock me up for having eaten 5 people in the same day," (Y/n) spoke as he closed up his bag and laid on the black floor. "They would have all been food too," The creature tried to reason "Just let me take control, and all your problems will disappear," "All problems other then you," (Y/n) said as he closed his eyes seemingly trying to give the creature the sign to screw off, but of course the creature didn't. "Even with all the power I have given... You still consider me a problem?" The creature questioned "shut up," (Y/n) said sounding annoyed. The creature slowly got closer to the boy while whispering unheard things into his ear as (Y/n)'s eyes started turning red "I said, SHUT UP!!" Just then everything when back to normal, the room, (Y/n)'s eyes, and the creature no where to be seen.

(Y/n) got up and grabbed his things as he walked back to his parents who were waiting for him, as they got in their car and drove a long 6 hours to their destination giving (Y/n) multiple snack to ensure he won't lash out. Once they finally arrived (Y/n) looked out his window to see a gate stating the words "Nevermore Academy." (Y/n) closed his eyes and sighed knowing exactly the place he was at. "You know just because I'm a-," "Shut up, I don't want to hear it," His father said cutting him off before driving through the gates and arriving at the front of the academy, where a tall, white haired women was standing, seemingly waiting to greet them.

After (Y/n) got himself and his bags out the car his father called him over "You better not ruin this or I swear I will starve you in the basement like I should have done years ago." With that his parents drove away leaving (Y/n) standing their, with a sad expression as he walked towards the tall women. "Good afternoon," the women spoke "I'm Larissa Weems but you'll address me as Ms. Weems, I'm also the headmaster of Nevermore," "Afternoon," (Y/n) simply answered, Weems went to shake (Y/n)'s hand but he didn't react.

Weems quickly pulled her hand back as she knew she wasn't getting a response anytime soon "Well, follow me and I will hand you your class schedule along with showing you to your dorm room." (Y/n) just followed her silently to her office as she motioned him to sit in a chair as she did the same. As time went by and a few questions were asked revolving around his life and experiences, until that one question popped up "So (Y/n) may I ask you a personal question?" "Be my guest," (Y/n) responded as he heard those chilling words "What do you identify as?"

(Y/n) quickly froze as he hadn't been asked this question ever in his life, but finally he looked Ms. Weems in the eyes and responded with three simple words "I'm a Wendigo."


A/n: This is my first story I have ever written so sorry if it comes out terrible by the end but I'm at least trying
Also please be somewhat merciful when criticizing my work and thank you.

The Killers Mirror//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon