Chapter V "Investigation and the Poe cup"

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While look walking through the forest I heard the Wendigo suddenly speak out "I smell three new scents," "Like what?" I silently ask it "A sheriff, a dog, and...," just before he said the last one, me and Wednesday were quickly pulled behind a tree with our mouths cover only for us to realize it was Tyler. I tried to release myself from his grip until I finally put two and two together and saw the Sheriff with his bloodhound walk by. Just after they walked by I was left surprised that Tyler just helped us and when he finally took his hands off of us I immediately asked "Did you have to catch us by surprise?" "Sorry, I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your scent," he simply said as we continued searching through the forest.

After a while of talking I suddenly smelt another scent and started walking towards it "What is it?" I heard Tyler say as I ignored him and continued walking until I smelt where the scent was most strong on, I knelt down and picked up a pair of glasses as I heard my stomach begin to growl and felt my teeth sharpen. "Hey are you... alright," I heard Tyler say as I just dropped the glasses and backed away, trying to calm myself down before I lash out "How easily you could eat him," "Shut up," I quietly said to the Wendigo as I felt a hand touch my shoulder "You alright," I heard Wednesday ask and felt everything go back to normal "Am now," I said with a small smile. Wednesday just rolled her eyes and went to pick up the glasses but as soon as she touched them her head jolted back and her eyes went wide open, I instinctively went up to her to make sure she was ok and luckily after a small amount of time she came back to her senses.

After we exited the forest to head back to Nevermore and split off from Tyler in the process, Wednesday went off to the library while I went back to the shed to check on Eugene where I saw him still tending to the bees "Yo, guess who's back!" after I said that Eugene looked over to me with his signature smile "Welcome back," "Yea sorry, the searching took longer than expected," I simply said back.  After some more time working and tending to the bees we eventually walked back to our dorm since the it was turning dark "Hey, are you planning on taking part in the Poe cup?" Eugene suddenly asked.  I was left thinking for a while until I came up with a response "No, not really," "Why?" Eugene asked "I don't really like doing things," I said while smiling a little as we just walked to our dorm and did our own things the entire time until we both heard a knock on the door.

I got up to open the door and walked over to open it when I saw a kid with a beanie on and about the same height as me "uhh... hey?" I said as he responded "Hey, we haven't met before but, I'm Ajax," he said while holding his hand out "(Y/n)," I responded back while shaking it "So since your new and you probably don't have much to do I was wondering, if you would join us in the Poe cup".  I stood there thinking about his question before coming up with a very simple answer "Nah, I'm alright," "Look I know we don't even know each other, but we need one more person," he said "Look I don't really feel li-," "Actually I think you should," Eugene suddenly said.  I just look at him with a confused face while he continued to explain "I'm sure you'll be able to win," he finished explaining "So...," Ajax suddenly chimed in, I thought of it again before giving a sigh of defeat "Fine...," "Great see you there," he said while leaving and I just continued doing my own thing.

Wendigo POV:

A short time later when (Y/n) and Eugene where both asleep, I decided to do some investigating of my own and took control of (Y/n)'s body when he was fully relaxed and transformed him "Time to get started," I said to myself as I climbed out the window and started wondering around the forest.  I started sniffing around trying to find a scent I haven't found before but so far, nothing, "What the hell are we missing?" I ask myself while still sniffing around until I found something that immediately clicked I'm my head "Well that's odd," I said to myself while taking another smell of the scent "There both different," I said as more pieces started to come together.  It then suddenly clicked in my head "Those two aren't the same, that person wasn't Rowan," I went back to (Y/n)'s dorm with this new found knowledge as I transformed him back and made him go back to sleep.

The Killers Mirror//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن