Chapter VIII "Heart Aching and Rave'N"

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(Y/n) POV:

I got up still feeling sad about the events that played out yesterday "Hey, you alright?" I heard Eugene say as I looked towards him to see a concerned face "Yea, everything's fine, don't worry about it kid," I said while giving a small smile before getting up to get ready for the day then walked out and went to class. While in class I wasn't paying attention at all as I was more distracted by the fact that Wednesday kept glaring at me "What? Want to look at me that bad?" I said in a teasing tone in which see just looked away as I heard Ms. Thornhill speak "Okay, okay, I know you're all excited about Saturday," "You mispronounced some of you," I said as the class looked at me. "You're just jealous that you don't have a date," I heard Bianca say "And you're just mad I'm calling you out, maybe you should bitch to Xavier about your problems, oh wait... you can't" I retorted making the class go silent as Wednesday just smirked. "(Y/n), Language!" "Spanish, !Cuido mi maldito lenguaje cuando tengo una razón para hacerlo¡" I said sounding even more pissed than I already was causing her to just stop trying and drop it.

"Since 'Some' of you are excited about Saturday," Thornhill said emphasizing the "Some" "Which is why I haven't assigned any homework," she finished as the class cheered "But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee," she added as a couple students raised their hands and walked toward her to volunteer.

I just walked over the Hummers shed and tended to the bees with Eugene "So... are you planning on asking anyone?" I heard Eugene suddenly say "No not really, I find it a waist of time," I said as Eugene looked at me "So, you aren't asking Wednesday?" Eugene said while I blushed and looked at him. "W-Why would y-you ask that?" I said sounding nervous "I may be a weird kid who has only had you as a friend for a short time, but I know when my friend is going through something," I just looked at him with a surprised look before chuckling and looking away "Even if I did ask her... She wouldn't accept," I said in a disappointed voice. "You never know if you never try," I heard Eugene say "I just don't have the confidence to ask her," I said still keeping my disappointed voice as I continued working "Just try, worst she could say is no," "No the worst she could say is 'I'd rather hang myself and let crows feed off my dead body'," I said mimicking her voice.

After some more time, I left and started thinking about what Eugene had said to me as I took a deep breath and started to look for Wednesday, I eventually found her walking around town as I just walked up to her "Hey, if it isn't the goth queen," I said as Wednesday stared at me "What do you want?" She said with her signature cold voice. "Got any plans for today?" I asked in a hopeful tone "Unfortunately I do, I was forced to ask Xavier to the Rave'N as I was searching around his shed," she said as I was just left shocked "Damn... that must suck," I said as I felt my heart ache "Why do you ask?" she asked as I just looked away. "I just wanted to know so we can try to investigate more about the creature," I said lying as a Wednesday just walked away 'Guess I just missed the mark,' I thought to myself as I too walked away looking back at Wednesday who was already long gone.

Wednesday POV:

"I just wanted to know so we can try to investigate more about the creature," (Y/n) said while looking away, I don't know why but something about him saying that made me feel... upset as I just looked away unsure why I felt this way but instead of prying into it more I walked away, I looked back for a second to see (Y/n) had done the same as I looked away and continued walking as I felt my heart beat faster than before.

(Y/n) POV:

I was back at the Hummers shed with Eugene and Wednesday where Wednesday was hanging different pictures of clues she about the creature, Eugene and Wednesday seemed to be pretty calm as I was just hyperventilating with my stomach growling louder with every second that passed. "Enid wouldn't let me keep this in our dorm," Wednesday said "No worries, Mi Colmena es su colmena," Eugene responded as he noticed me slowly loosing it in the corner "Want something to eat?" "Even if I wanted to, my body wouldn't allow for it," I said trying to keep my composure. "So this is the creature that's been rampaging in the woods?" Eugene asked while pointing at the drawing of the beast "You've heard about it before?" Wednesday asked while looking at Eugene "Rumors," Eugene simply responded "Mr. Fits banned me from bug-hunting until further notice," he said finishing his sentence. "Claimed a bear was on the loose, which I knew was a lie," Eugene added "Haven't seen a bear throughout my time hunting," I said while looking at Eugene and Wednesday Think their trying to cover something they know up?" I asked finishing my statement.

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