It's Kiki |6|

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"Wow," I breathe out for the hundredth time as I ogle every corner of Mr

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"Wow," I breathe out for the hundredth time as I ogle every corner of Mr. Son's store. He wanted to go up to his apartment first, get cleaned up, and change.

After he was ready, he brought me to the store on ground level. Every wall is lined with books. Brand new virgin books ready to be cracked open and release their treasures inside.

A spiral staircase encircles the store leading up to the second level, which holds even more treasures. It's a maze of literature.

"I take it you like it?" Mr. Son asks as he leans over the waist-high bookshelf behind me.

"Like it?" I ask as my head spins, trying to take it all in. "I love it. I usually get my books off the shelf at my local grocery store."

"That is." He pauses as he watches me. "So sad."

"Hey," I giggle as I turn around to face him and lean against the shelf. "A girl takes what she can get."

A hint of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. He studies my face while a thick silence falls between us. It's intoxicating, and I find myself doing the same. His sharp jawline quickly draws my attention down to his perfect lips.

He's gorgeous, too gorgeous for my thirsty ass.

"I should go get us coffee." He suddenly jerks back.

Shit, was I leaning in? Please, tell me I didn't look like I was trying to make a move.

"I thought you needed to run your store?" I ask as I gather myself together. The last thing this poor guy wants is a thirsting cupid lusting after his tail. Pull yourself together, Calli.

"I'll just be next door, so it shouldn't take too long. You can watch it while I step out," He tells me as he heads toward the boat-shaped counter at the front of the store.

I stop midstep when he says I can man the shop. "Excuse me? What?"

"You'll be fine," he assures me.

Though I'm not as confident as he is. "Mr. Son-"

"Kiki," he corrects as he grabs his brown, suede jack from the stool behind the counter. "Call me Kiki."

I clear my throat to settle the butterflies that take flight in my gut. "Kiki, you wanted me to come to work with you in case Miss Timber showed up here. How am I supposed to ward her off and stay here at the same time?"

Kiki chuckles as he slips his coat on. "If I don't come back in ten minutes, send a search party."


"You know I left my pixie home alone for you!" I shout after him as he walks out the door.

"Such a brave mom," he teases before jetting out the door.

I stick my tongue out at the dust cloud he leaves behind before turning to the store again.

Besides the Hall of Amorology's library, I've never seen so many books in one place. My fingers itch to touch the spins of each delectable world.

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