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Destiny Taylor

It's been 2 years since what happened to Destiny with her ex boyfriend she is now 21 years old living on her own and she has her own hair salon.

After her ex told her she was fat destiny decided to start going to gym and working some of the fat off but she quickly quit.

Destiny got into a bad depression she wouldn't come out of her house, she wouldn't eat and she wouldn't talk to anyway not even her own mom or bestie that was trying to help her.

Destiny promised herself to never let anyone treat her like that again.


"Destiny you need to get up and do something with your life" Liyah says laying on the couch

Destiny and Liyah have been bestie since Liyah came into destiny shop and they've gotten closer.

"I need to go check on the shop soon" Desi says checking her phone

Liyah sighed "You need to socialize more Desi"

" I have you thats all that matters" Desi says shrugging

"I love you too but your always in the house and never going nowhere you need a break from the house bestie" she said making Desi laugh

"What's funny" Liyah said siding eyeing Desi

"Because I always have breaks"

Liyah busted out laughing " when do you every have a break"

"You know when I'm at home that's my break" Desi says smiling

"We can go to the club and meet some guys" Liyah says

"Okay get up I need to go check on the shop " Desi says snapping at Liyah

"Just okay no pouting okay I'll see you later love you" Liyah says leaving the house

"I love you too" Desi says sighing

Destiny gets some water out her fridge. She grabs her purse before heading out the door.

"Let's have a good day Desi" she says to herself before heading out the house and locking her door and heading to her car

One thing about destiny she loved doing wigs so having her own hair salon was a big accomplishment for her.

"Hii Desii" Her employee jada said to her as she came in the shop

"Hi Jada do we have anybody coming today" desi says putting her purse down on the counter

"I have a few heads to do tonight but that's it"

"Do you need any help I can help if you need too"

"I'm fine Desi you need a break anyways " Jada said smiling at her

"I just feel really bad leaving you here to do all the work " Desi says sighing

"Your not leaving me here alone Chelsea is going to be here to help too so please for me give yourself a break"

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