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Destiny Taylor

It's been months since everything last happened. With Mari going to jails and me and liyah has still been staying strong for them but we I'm getting nervous because my birthday is in two days and Mari still doesn't know when he is getting out.

Hearing that's doesn't help me because if he isn't here for my birthday I don't know what ima going to do . He's been in jail for wayy to long and I'm not that strong to just keep on waiting I'm just not

Literally everyday I do the same thing I hang out with liyah and work it's a repeat cycle and of course talking to him that's all I do I can't keep on doing that shit so I hope he's coming home today .

So now I'm just at my shop with my girls and just working and talking like we always do.

"So how has life been girl"Jada says doing her client hair

"Girllll stressful " I say laughing while scrolling through our instagram hair page

"I bet so I don't know how you do it at all I would of been so stressed "

"Shitt I don't know how I'm doing it I miss him Soo much " I say laughing

"But I know you got this you are a very strong girl" Kay says (other hairstylist )

"I'm trying girl "I laugh

"Girl it's almost our lunch break go get you something to eat " Kay says

"Noo it's fine I'll just stay here I have nothing else to do" I say laughing

"Go get yo something to eat and go relax you be here everyday go take a break" Jada says

I laugh knowing I need to listen " your tight ima see yall later "

"Byee " they both say as I walk out the door into my car

Im in my car and you should already know we're im heading.. -Chick-fil-A

40 mins pass

Ive got my order and now I'm on instagram live just eating my food and talking to my supporters

"Heyy guys I hope yall are not tried of me getting on live I just have nothing to do"

Random| girlll we could never get tried of you

Random| girl it's just fine I be bored too

Random|you eating  down loll

"Yea I'm hungry as shit " I say and at the bottom of the instagram live screen I see it says Mari joined the live

Now you know I'm thinking how the fuck he join the live if he's in jail I'm confused as shit right now

"Mari I know yo ass not in this live" I say smiling but also confused

Random| someone gotta be hacking his account

Random|WTF 😂

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