Why did you leave me, Dad?

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Here we see our elemental superhero, on the roof of his grandfather's house stargazing..
He threwback to when he and his dad used to stargaze together back then.

He's 17 now, 7 years without his father next to him. He fought along with his team to protect the Earth from many villains, naming Retak'ka who stole 5 of his elements and he had to fight with only two elements to get them back.

"Where are you, Dad?" Bbb said as he went back into his room and fell into a deep slumber.

[N E X T  M O R N I N G]

A floating yellow power sphera is seen walking into the elemental superhero's room, seeing him on the bed sleeping peacefully.

"Haih, this boy.." Ochobot sighed as he float beside his bestfriend "Bbb wake up, we are suppose to be helping Tok Aba today! It's the weekends remember?" Ochobot said as he shook his bestfriend to wake him up. Few minutes later, we see Bbb has woken up from his sleep.

"Hah, you're awake! Go get ready, I'll meet you at Tok Aba's shop." Ochobot said as he goes out of Bbb's room to Tok Aba's shop.

Bbb sighed as he remembered the dream he had about him and his dad together in their old home in Kota Hilir.

[The Dream..]

Here we see a young 5 year old together with his dad and a floating red power sphera in the living room of their home, Kota Hilir.

"Ayah! (Dad!) I want to be a hero like you in the future!" Bbb said as he put up a hero pose, Amato just smiled at this, seeing his son wanting to be a hero like him is enough to make him proud.

"Bbb.. Being a hero is hard you know? You need to have responsibility over anything you deal with." Amato said softly as he remembered some events in his time as a young teenage superhero.

"It's okay Ayah! (Dad!) Bbb can handle it, Bbb promise to protect the Earth from many evil villains like you!" Bbb smiled brightly.

"Kau perlu berdikari (You have to be indenpendent(?) ), Bbb." Amato said.

As Amato said that, the dream comes to an end.

Bbb snapped out of it and got up to take a shower. As he finish taking a shower, he wore his usual clothing and cap, and went to Tok Aba's shop.

Seeing the place busier since it's the weekends, he decided to..

"Bbb Kuasa Tiga!" He splitted to Gempa, Solar, and Halilintar "Okay, Solar you take customer's orders, Hali you serve them their orders, I will help Ochobot and Tok Aba making the orders. Now split!" This time, it wasn't Gempa in control, it's Bbb!

It's been a few hours now and the customers are starting to leave, giving the Bbb and the other two element a break "Haih Ori, how do you even get use to this everyday?" Solar tiredly asked as he flopped onto a chair, Bbb just chuckled at the light element's action.

"At first, I didn't get use to it. But after many times of working here, I got used to it eventually." Bbb calmly replied.

"Hi Bbb!" Bbb turned to see his team there, approaching the shop. Hali was quick enough to prepare the 4 of them a drink already "Quite speedy are we huh Hali?" Bbb teased, Hali just covered his face with his cap after serving the drinks to his master's team.

"Dey Bbb, do you know what day it is today?" Gopal asked Bbb as he sipped his drink.

"Erm, I don't think so. What day even is it?" Bbb asked confused, he didn't check his calendar today.

"It's Father's Day!" Gopal yelled, as Bbb stood there frozen. How could he have forgotten this 'important' day where you celebrate with your dads to make new memories and hang out together.

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