Still waiting for you to come home.

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"Bbb! There is a letter from your dad, come downstairs and take it!" A grandfather yelled to his grandson as he has a letter in his hand.

"Okay Tok!" A seventeen year old boy said as he went out of his room to go downstairs.

Yep, that's our superhero. BoBoiBoy, the elemental superhero, the master of the seven elements, the one who defeatd Retak'ka is now back home!

He and his team has received a two month worth of vacation to go back home to Earth! As the other Kokotiam spend time with their parents and family, while our elemental superhero is still waiting for his dad to come back home..

Bbb then grabbed the letter from Tok Aba's hand and opened the letter, he then clench his fist and crumbled the paper into a ball. He then dropped the paper and left his to go to his room leaving Tok Aba there confused.

Tok Aba then opened the paper again and read the letter..

Dear BoBoiBoy,

Hmm, sorry.. Ayah can't go back home yet.. My job is preventing me to do so, it's getting really busy so I need to help them. Forgive me, Bbb. Ayah promise to come back next year okay? 

I heard from Tok Aba that your grades are getting better, I'm proud of you! That's my little boy. Wait for Ayah to come back home okay? Give my regards to Tok Aba!

Tetap berdikari tau!

Love, Ayah / Amato.

Tok Aba then sighed, he then folded the letter then put it down on the table. Tok Aba then decided to leave Bbb alone for a bit as he understands how Bbb must've felt, waiting for his dad to come home and spend time.

Let's see how Bbb's doing, he's currently breaking down into tears as he remembered the last three words. He wanted to punch the wall so badly seeing or even hearing the word 'berdikari'.

"Where are you, Dad? I'm still waiting for you to come home.." Bbb mumbled as he took off his cap, he looked at the cap.

"Tch. What am I even saying? Saying that is useless, he will never come home. He'll just keep lying about come home." Bbb said as he threw his cap across the room.

A hologram then suddenly popped out of Bbb's watch, Bbb then pretended to smile and be happy as the hologram revealed his elemental brothers, the ones who is there for him anytime, anywhere.

"Ori~! How are you today?" Beliung asked.

"I'm doing amazing! You know just the usual stuff, studying about power spheras and helping Tok Aba with his shop. Nothing much, what about you guys?" Bbb said as he smiled, fake smile that luckily Beliung didn't notice. Good thing it wasn't Gempa or Solar or Hali that called or else they would know in the first minute.

"Oh~! We're doing just fine. Me, Thorn, and Blaze are just playing videogames! I don't know what the others are doing though, we've been inside he house the whole time." Beliung said making Bbb genuinely smiled.

Sometimes without his elements knowing, they always made Bbb's mood better no matter what situation or problem is going on.

"Anyways, I need to go now! I need to help Tok Aba with his shop, bye!" Bbb waved as Beliung waved back.

The hologram then shut off, Bbb frowned again. Bbb lied to his elements, the ones who is always there for him. Quite disappointing eh? He's keeping all of this pain by himself, too much pain for a teenage boy like him.

Bbb then decided to look through the family album he has taken from downstairs, he flipped through the pages as he saw some photos of when his dad was a teenager like him.

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