Going back home.

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"Boboiboy! Come help me lift these boxes and load them in the van please!"

"Okay Tok!" A teenage boy with a orange dino cap yelled back as he took some boxes from his grandfather and loaded them in the van.

Boboiboy, a 17 year old teenager known as the elemental superhero but mostly known as 'Master of the Seven Elements' that defeated Retak'ka is currently loading in their two bags and three boxes into the van with his grandfather.

Where are they going? Looks like they're going to visit their hometown. Kota Hilir.

"I finished loading the boxes into the van Tok!"

"Ah okay! Come get in the van!"

"Okay Tok! Come on Ochobot!"

"Right behind you Boboiboy!"

Then their journey begins, the journey way to their old home. It was just the three of them going to Kota Hilir.

Gopal is staying at home either playing videogames or doing random stuff with his dad.

Yaya is going to Japan to learn more about the culture and history.

Ying is coming with Yaya to Japan.

Fang is spending time with Captain Kaizo, yep you read that right folks. Captain Kaizo asked Fang to go back home to their homeplanet which is Planet Gogobugi.

Boboiboy, Tok Aba, and Ochobot are now in a road surrounded by a field. The green grass dancing with the gentle breeze, the clean blue river flowing through the streams, the clear blue sky with the sun shining.

"Wah! This place is beautiful!"

"Sure is- Eh? Rimba!?"

"Hehe! Hi Tok!"

Well, looks like our elemental superhero let his three elements out. Boboiboy decided to bring out Rimba, Beliung, and Gempa so that they can view the beauty of nature which looks like a dream place for Rimba.

Along the trip, Rimba keep throwing facts about the flowers, plants, and trees along the way. Beliung was happily listening to Rimba while Gempa and Boboiboy talked about cooking and combos that the elements can try later.

✦ --------------------------------------- ✦

Two hours passed, looks like everyone except for Tok Aba is asleep.

Not long after, everyone woke up right on time where they arrive at the huge red bridve where the legendary armoured hero: Mechamato first seen to the public.

"Wah! Look at this place, looks old and vintage but cool at the same time!" Rimba said.

"Hehe. Welcome to my hometown! Kota Hilir!" Boboiboy said as he smiled.

The elements and Ochobot looked around with stars shining on their eyes, Rimba and Beliung pointing out most things like a Coconut stand with robots around the city.

Tok Aba caught a glimpse of his son when his son was a teenager with his bestfriend taking pictures, looks like a memory that Tok Aba saw from the past.

Tok Aba sighed. Time flies by fast, one second he's father and now he is a grandfather to a well known and powerful superhero. So much memories were created here in Kota Hilir.

"And we've arrived at my childhood home!" Boboiboy yelled as Tok Aba stopped the van at a yellow house.

The house still looked the same after years. Some wood and scraps of metal fell off, probably because of Tok Aba's son who did many projects. You can call him some sort of builder.

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