Twenty two - Villain, Victim and The Vacation Planner

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"Sarah, don't reject her like that," Noah said. "You're breaking her heart."

It wasn't my business if people believed that certain positions of stars and planets affected their lives. There was no scientific explanation. I wasn't going to let myself get pulled into this scam.

Quincy was already deep into this stuff. I never stopped her from doing what she believed in and always supported her in things that made her happy, but I never participated whenever she told me to wear some stones for luck or walk only in a certain direction and other kinds of crap.

"It's okay to be scared, my child." Madam Monique murmured. She kept chanting some voodoo hymns under her breath. "I just want to help you."

"I don't need your help, Monique."

"Your friend now knows what to expect shortly and how to handle it. Don't you wish to know yours?"

The scientists working with me at the Research Center back in London didn't call me stubborn and hard-headed for no reason. Nobody's comment about me can change the way I am. "No. I don't."

"Won't you at least give me your hand? If not for me or yourself. Do it for your friend."

Friend? I take a quick glance at my supposed friend. He caught me staring at him and smiled. Ugh. It should be a crime to own a thousand-watt smile.

Two friends are not supposed to like the way they touch each other, and one friend doesn't pull the other friend inside a trial room while they are half naked and help them dress up.

Noah was nowhere near the border of my friendship. I wasn't going to let him know that so I had no choice but to cave into Madam Monique's wishes. "Fine," my voice was low and threatening. Enough to make Noah shift uncomfortably away from me. "Only because he insists."

"Wonderful." Her smile sent me chills, and I was already regretting my decision.

"Bring it on. Tell me I am going to get richer than I already am," I then added, "Or not. I know that part of my future will be true."

To my surprise, Madam Monique set the cards aside and focused on her crystal ball.

"No cards for her?" Noah asked, curious.

"My child, the cards won't help her," Monique revealed with a shake of her head. "Her destiny's already been written, and she has already chosen her path. What I seek for her is the right path."

I rolled my eyes dramatically in response.

"That is if there is any path for her."

"And if there is not?"

It was so infuriating to see Noah so invested in this. I wished I had actually choked him to death with that bowtie in the trial room. At least I wouldn't have to face this moment.

Monique looked at me as if I already knew the answer to that question.

I raised my chin, challenging her. I wasn't going to let the old lady get the worst of me. Darkness, or no darkness... I write the rules of my own life, and I know very well damn sure that nobody can predict what I will write next.

"Let's begin then," We watched her rub the crystal globe and focus on it. "Hmm... mhmm... what you said about yourself is true, my child. Money will be an excellent permanent partner in your life."

I yawned in response. Today's activities had begun to take a toll on me. I was so ready to hit the bed the moment I stepped inside my suite.

"You already have what you seek, but child, I see nothing else. It's like a tunnel of darkness. There is no light in the end. You have no chance of redemption, and whoever did this to you, they too have lost their chance."

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