Twenty five - Trailers are much better than the movies

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My lips were still tingling from the aftermath as I stepped inside the lift with Jack and Kimberly, who had also accompanied him. The moment the door closed, I faced the mirror wall and gasped at my messed-up state. I looked flushed with lipstick all over my right cheek and chin. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to ponder over what happened between me and Noah in the gym. My main mission right now was to fix myself and get rid of the unwanted guest waiting for me.

"Can I have a moment without any judgment here?" I asked them both while we were still inside the metal box, going downwards. "I need to fix myself."

"Of course, Dr. Grant." They both turned their backs on me with their heads down, blocking the door from me.

I wiped the smudged lipstick off my face as much as possible, tightened my ponytail, and tried to cover my cleavage and thighs in vain. Nothing worked. My coat would cover my arms completely, but it left the outline of my breasts alone for my guest to see. Not that I mind, but this was a nasty attempt to play a game with me by the person who sent the ambassador here, and it was my turn now. I had to send a message back through him.

"Kimberly, I want your coat. Quick!" I shrugged off my second layer of clothing, and we exchanged our coats. She was two sizes bigger and bustier than me. The buttons of her black coat covered my entire upper body and landed right above my knees. My attire was improper since the ambassador arrived at a very terrible time, but it was decent enough to present myself with grace and the standards I was trained in. "Can you give me a short description of how the man looks?"

"Umm... tall." Kimberly began, carefully folding my coat around her arm. "Has a bit of his stomach showing. He might be around his late thirties or early forties. Came here with only one bodyguard. Black eyes, black tie, black hair with a bald spot. I saw a wedding band, and he showed me his id. His name is Matthews—"

"Matthews Harris. Got married seven years ago to a kindergarten teacher. Has a four-year-old kid. I don't know whether it is a boy or a girl. He started working in the Embassy nearly twelve years ago, did a couple of expeditions, gradually rose up in ranks with the right connections, and became an ambassador for the British Government only a year ago." I finished as I dusted myself off as a finishing touch. "Do I look okay?"

Kimberly was too stunned to say anything. So the manager replied on her behalf while the lift dinged open. "You look fine, Dr. Grant. Follow me, please. This way."

"And get over it already, Kim. I had tutors for this kind of crap. You know where I come from." I rolled my eyes dramatically, showing real emotion for the last time as we got out of the metal box. The closer we got to the lobby, my chest began to feel colder and heavier. Suddenly I was that young girl who had her every action monitored by strangers and protected herself by hiding behind the shadows of other people she was once close with.

Matthews came into my line of vision, sitting alone on a big red couch, reading a men's magazine, a bodyguard wearing a black suit with a microphone attached to his ear, standing only a few feet behind him and holding a bouquet of flowers.

Jack and Kimberly parted ways and stood in a far corner to give us privacy. I took a deep breath. Well, here goes everything.

I approached him with confidence thrumming in my veins like always. "Mr. Ambassador. You shouldn't have troubled yourself so much."

The man looked up and stood up, smiling and offering his clammy hand to me. I gave him a firm shake. "Sarah Grant. Pictures do no justice to your actual beauty. And please, there was no trouble at all."

I smiled back. It didn't feel natural to me. "If you say so, Mr. Ambassador."

"Call me Matthews. Here," he took the bouquet from his bodyguard's grasp and offered it to me. "These are for you, as an official welcome to Australia from the British Embassy. We're very glad to have you here."

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