Twenty eight - Go solo

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Noah Jordan's POV:

The ship dropped its anchor a couple of kilometers away from the shore, and we took a speed boat to cover the rest of the journey.

"What..." Sarah stirred beside me when water splashed on all of us and jolted up, quickly grabbing the metal bar behind her as a support. She looked around frantically and saw water on all four sides. Then she looked at her attire. "How the hell did I get here, and who the hell put this on me?"

"Good morning, Sarah!" Carol and Sasha greeted her with huge smiles on their faces and screamed in joy when water splashed on all of us again. "This is so fun!"

"It's so good to see you back from the land of dreams," Raven said. She was the maid of honor. "You want to sit with us ladies? Noah, I think you can let go of her now that she's up."

Sarah screamed instead. I partly take responsibility for this, but I had no idea the pill she took would completely knock her out.

"I don't think she wants to leave Noah's side, honey," Ed told her girlfriend. He worked in the human resources department of the modeling agency Sasha used to work at. Raven and Sasha have been friends since childhood, and Ed met her through Sasha. "Leave them be. You can have fun with her later."

"Noah, what the hell?" Sarah hissed in my ear. "Who brought me here?"

"I did."


"I have two arms. I do heavy weight lifting. You were dead asleep. You can figure the rest out by yourself."

Her face became red like a tomato. "Did you just call me heavy?"

"No. In fact, remind me to make sure you eat more and drink less from now. You were nearly half of what I lift."

I hid the part where I observed her sleeping like a complete creep for three hours straight and rocked her in my arms like a baby before I took her out of the room. I learned another thing about Sarah: she snores. She snores louder than any of the men I had shared a tent with when I was deployed. I didn't know whether it was the effect of the pill she took or if she was just extremely tired because she didn't snore that night. Or maybe, it was just me who had a rare moment of completely being knocked out the moment my head hit the pillow.

"I'm going to pretend the last five hours never happened," Sarah muttered under her breath, adjusting the orange life jacket I had helped her wear while she was asleep. She squinted as she shielded her eyes by placing her hand above them and asked, "Raymond, how long till we get there?"

Raymond was driving the speed boat with his girlfriend, Sonya as his co-driver. "A few more minutes," he answered and pointed at something. "Look over there, everybody! We're here."

"Wow," Sarah and I said at the same time, then shared a look with each other while the rest began to hoot and cheer in excitement.

Makara Bay was beautiful. With water surrounding on all four sides, a luscious green jungle, and mountains right in the middle of the island with small huts visible from afar, it blew away my mind. Most of the island was colonized, but the huts which were built on top of the mountains looked as if they belonged to the natives.

Suddenly Sarah stood up which shocked me for a moment before I helped her balance herself on her feet by grabbing her legs. She stood beside Sonya, her mouth agape in surprise. "Horses on the beach! They have horses here!"

Sonya chuckled softly seeing Sarah's excitement. I was totally confused here. I had never seen Sarah get so excited about anything. I just assumed the only thing she ever gets excited about was her work. "That was my idea," she told her. "I figured we all should experience riding one in our lives."

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