Forty one - Doctor Joe

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I woke up to a hand using my right boob as a stress ball.

Pulling the duvet in my direction, I shifted in my sleep, swatting the third hand away and turning to the opposite side. I groaned when I felt the sunlight streaming through the curtains, into my bedroom, directly hitting my eyes. My body ached everywhere, but it was a good type of pain, a reminder of last night's strenuous activities. I yawned and stretched, sighing in satisfaction. Outside, birds were chirping, and I could hear the traffic of a busy Monday morning.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand and saw the time. 9:45 am.

My brows furrowed a bit. That's odd. I haven't received any calls for breakfast yet. My hand reached out to check whether the telephone was working or not... only to find it missing from its place.

Pick up the call, baby. Talk to them. Fucking thank them while I fuck you from behind.

Last night's memories flooded my brain and my cheeks instantly turned red. I raised my head to peer down and found the telephone fallen on the floor. Maybe I shouldn't worry about breakfast, I thought as I sank back on the bed with my hand on my head, staring at the ceiling above, and exhaled sharply.

I would be lying to myself if I said that last night was not the best night of my life.

I remembered Noah waking me up to help him clean myself after I blacked out. I did my business in the loo and had a little reality check by freaking out about everything in the bathroom while he brought in my dinner. I never complained when Noah made me sit on his lap, fed me food, and also sneaked in a few bites of his own. I never complained when he fed me strawberry sorbet and purposely smeared a spoonful on my nipples and licked it off which led to me riding him hard till we came together.

Everything about him only made my obsession with him worse and I didn't regret a single bit.

A hand reached out to grab my boob again and I slapped it away. "Noah!" I hissed. I snapped my neck in his direction and my annoyance dissipated into nothingness when I saw Noah sleeping. It reminded me of the day I first saw him at the airport. I couldn't stop staring at him. There was something peaceful about watching Noah sleep that I couldn't put my finger on. His face was half buried between pillows, lips slightly parted open, eyebrows furrowed, he was beautiful. Peaceful. Serene.

And he was seeking out a boobie to play with in his sleep.

I slapped his hand away for the third time and kicked his leg. "Wake up!"

"Mhm," he rubbed his eyes, frowning. "Why did you wake me up? I was having a very erotic dream about you."

Oh god. That morning voice and that accent. "Um... you were touching me in your sleep."

He yawned and his eyes fluttered open to stare at me. Oh god. Those eyes. "So what? You ruined my dream." Our gazes followed to the tent underneath the sheet covering his lower waist. My cheeks turned red. "And look what you did."

"I didn't do that."

"Yes, you did." He retorted. "You didn't let me finish my dream then you don't take the blame for my morning wood. Either you say you're sorry or let me turn my dream into a reality and finish it."

I wasn't going to apologize for something I didn't do. "So how did your dream start?"

Noah smirked and rolled me in the opposite direction with my back facing him. "It started exactly like this morning. You were sleeping," his hand drooped over my eyes, signaling me to close them. I did. He tore away the sheet from our bodies and I felt cold, my nipples hardening instantly. "I was sleeping too, but I woke up first, and I saw this gorgeous ass and fantasized about burying myself deep in it."

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