Chapter Nine

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Talia leans back in the chair and slurps on her iced coffee

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Talia leans back in the chair and slurps on her iced coffee. She swirls from side to side while eying me off. I give her a look but she tilts her head to the side like she's trying to solve a complicated math problem.

"Can I help you with something?" I raise an eyebrow.

"You just look, hm, different and I can't place my finger on it."

"Um, thanks?" I frown.

I'm unsure if I should take that as a compliment considering how long she's been looking at me.

"Have you changed your skincare routine?"

"It's amusing that you think I have a skincare routine. Between the office and my child, I'm lucky enough to slap on some moisturizer let alone a six-step skin routine." I laugh. "Some days when I'm lucky, I even put sunscreen on."

Talia rolls her eyes.

"I don't have a six-step routine either. Nobody has damn time for that." She chuckles.

"Certainly not! I'm more of a 3-in-1 hair wash person."

"What about eating more fruit and vegetables?"


"What about organic foods?"

"Stop, Talia, you know how I feel about organic food." I roll my eyes. "They just rub some dirt on it and whack up the price tag."

Talia gasps and whacks her hand on the desk, creating a loud whacking noise to echo through the small office.

"I know what it is! You got some action," she shouts.

Heat pools to my cheeks and it only confirms her suspicions.

"Ellie," she gasps, "Tell me everything. Don't miss a single detail."

I close my eyes and sigh. I've learned to just give her what she wants because Talia is relentless otherwise.

"Daniel spent the night on Saturday, I passed out in bed before anything could happen. Sunday morning was a different story." I smile, biting my lip.

"Tell me everything!" She bounces in her chair.

"I told him I read every night before bed, so he picked up the book I was reading and read some of it. He must have come across a smutty scene when I'd fallen asleep because, in the morning, he opened the book to a specific scene and asked me to read to him."

"Oh." She grins.

"He did everything as I was reading, it was so hot."

"Oh. My. God." She squeals.

"I thought it was going to lead to sex, but I'm relieved it didn't. I haven't really been with anyone since having Noah. Going slow and just exploring is a pace I'm happy with and we seem to be on the same page."

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