Chapter 21

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I woke up as I heard a heartbeat; I opened up my eyes to find Kyle carrying me up the stairs and into my room. “What time is it?”

“About two.”  He said as he put me into my own bed.

“Where are the boys?”

“In their play pins.”

“How did you get out early?” I asked as he pulled the covers over my body.

“Can I ask you something Beth?”


“Why did Chase bring the boys up to the school?” he said as he sat on the little steps that were next to my bed.

“WHAT?!” I yelled as I sat up in my bed.

“Chase brought the boys to school and he had a note from you.”

“Do you still have the note?” I asked, he nodded his head as he pulled the small little note out of his back pocket and handed it to me.

Dear Kyle,

I need to go do a couple of things,

I need you to watch the boys. I am sorry

For putting this on you, I will explain everything later.


I read the note over and over again, and then I looked from the note to Kyle who was looking at the wall at the pictures that were on my wall of my father and all the other places that he had went. His eyes came across the only family picture that my family had taken together. Mom and dad were close together like they were happily married; they were holding hands and looking at each other like they were high school sweetheart. I looked straight at the camera as I held onto my younger brother who looked like he was going to fall out of my arms.

“Who is the little boy that you are holding?” Kyle asked pulling me out of the thoughts that I was in.

“My younger brother.” I said as my eyes wondered to the picture on the wall that I knew he was talking about.

“Where is he?” he asked as he looked at the little boy.

“he died when he was little.” I said as the memory of the day I found my brother laying in the floor dead.

“Beth I am sorry.” He said as he watched my eyes filled with tears.

“It’s okay it was such a long time ago.” I said as I wiped my eyes filled with tears.

He took me in his arms into a big bear hug, and rubbed my back trying to sooth me.

I didn’t say anything I just laid there in his arms, somehow I woke up cuddled up into Kyle’s chest. I wouldn’t have woken up if I hadn’t had to pee, I got away from Kyle who rolled up next to the wall and I walked into the bathroom. I did what I needed to do and I walked down stairs to find my two little boys asleep, I picked up Rico and walked quietly and quickly up the stairs and into my room laying him in his crib.

When I put him in his bed he curled up in a little ball like I did and then stuck his tiny little thumb into his mouth, I shook my head as I grabbed one of the pacifier off the shelf that was above him and put it into his mouth without waking him. Thank god I had done that so many time before that that I was able not to wake him up. I had to do it so many times when Kyle had to put the boys to bed, because he would just let them sleep like that.

I patted his back lightly and walked back down stairs grabbed Bug and carried him upstairs putting him in his crib, I did the same thing with Bug as I did with Rico. The only thing different with Bug was that he made friends with the side of his crib making sure he was pressed up against it, he was just like his father. In fact Kyle was laying like that right now; I looked from Kyle to Bug and smiled.

Cousinly love is overrated (Being edited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon