Chapter 29

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The officer didn’t say a word as he walked up the steps to the room I had just come out of. Soon her walked out of the door and talked on his radio, being so far away I didn’t have a clue what he wsa saying but ti was probably something about getting someone over here to care for the body. Soon my phone went off and I pulled it out my my pocket, It was camellia. ‘Alright see you a little while, be careful.’

‘What took you so fucking long to respond?’

‘Sorry, Zach was making out with me.’

‘You weren’t doing that infront of Kimmy where you?’

‘Acctually we were.’

I shook my head, I was going to have to deal with a very hurt Kimmy when I got home. I didn’t texted her back I ignored her text and texted my little Kimmy. ‘Kimmy are you okay?’


‘Whats wrong sweetie?’

‘Camellia, kissed the guy I like right infront of me!’

‘She did!’ I tried to play stupid by I knew it wasn’t fooling her.


‘Kimmy, doll it will be okay.’

‘When will you be home?’

‘I don’t know, I am having a little trouble.’

‘With what?’

‘My mom OD.’

‘What! Didn’t she have the boys?’

‘Yes, I walked in to get the boys and there she was dead in the spare room where my boys were.’

‘Oh Beth I am soooooo sorry.’

‘She was the one that did the stupid thing.’

‘I know, just remember I love you.’

‘I love you too. I will be home as soon as I can.’

She didn’t text me after that, I was unable to go anywhere. The cop was parker behind me and I couldn’t get him to move his car because I was in trouble with him for going over the speed limit and plus now he was taking care of my ODed mother body. I desided that I need to tell my father so I called him up on the phone. “Hello?”

“Daddy!” I said as tear poured down my face.

“What baby girl?” He asked I could hear someone in the back ground screaming about not stopping but I ignored it.

“Mom, she Oded.” I said inbetween sobs.

“What!” He yelled into the phone. “How did you find out?”

“Well I haven’t find a place to live and I left the boys with Kyle and I went to visit them…. Well long story short dad I took the boys to mom so she could take care fo them for the day and well I was ten miles over the speed limit so there was a police already behind me. When I went up to get the boys mom was dead on the bed in the room that the boys were in.”

He didn’t say anything and I knew he was trying to take it all in, "Baby come on." Said a voice in the background.

"Hold on honey." My father answered back the the random voice in the background. "Honey, I am sorry about you mother."  

 I didn't say anything, there was nothing else really to say. The love of my fathers life was now dead, I knew he needed time to think so I hung up the phone. That wasn't the only reason I hung up, I also hung up because the officer was coming back either to my car or to his car so he could write all the stuff he needed down. "Uhh.. Officer.."  

"Yes." He said as she popped his head out of his car.  

"Are you writing me a ticket or anything?" I asked as I stepped back out of my car and over to the patrol car. "I kind of need to get my boys home."  

"I see you have to much on your plate, so I am going to let you off on a warning. Please be careful, we don't need another death." He said with a wink.  

I smiled at him pulled out a paper from my pocket wrote down my number stuck under the little flap where his radio was. "Thank you, I will be safe." I patted him on the shoulder and smiled as I walked to my car. He pulled out from behind me and waited for me to pulled out so he could have my parking place. I smiled at hime as I left and srove off down the road, I was back at Camellia's house in about thirty minutes. I walked into the house with my little boys in my arms, and was greeted by Penny, Cookie, Kimmy, and Camellia.  

"You worried me half to death!" Camellia yelled as she took Bug out of my arms and same thing with Kimmy.  

"Sorry, when I went to go get the boys my mom ODed." I said as I sat down the baby bag near the door.  

"Oh my god!" Camellia said as she sat Bug on the floor as she wrapped me in a hug.  

"It's okay Cam." I said as I patted her back, I was never the hugging type but if ti was needed for a friend then I was there to help them. I looked at Kimmy who was staring at Camellia with a death glare.  

"Are you sure you are alright?" She asked as she stepped away from me with her hands still on my shoulders.  

"Yes I am sure. Will you please pick up Kyle off the floor before he starts eating the lint off the floor." I said as I looked at Kyle who was playing on the floor.  

"He'll eat lint?" Camellia asked as she picked yup Kyle.  

"Yes, that is why I always keep then in a play pin." I said as I looked from her to Kimmy.  

"Oh.......Oh by the way Kyle called me in tears."  

"What the hell does he want?"  

"His children."  

"Well he can suck it, I ain't giving him my children." I said as I crossed my arms infront of me and pouted like I was a three year old.   They didn't say anything they just went into the living room with the boys and played with them. I knew they probably had not eaten yet so I walked into the kitchen fixing the boys a little bottle and I fixed me and the girls some tacos.

"Kimmy, Camellia, are you hungry?"  

"Hell yeah!" They said in unision, they walked into the kitchen holing Kyle and Ricardo.   I gave Kimmy a bottle and Camellia the bottles for the boys and then fixed them a plate, after I fixed there plate I tooke Kyle from Camellia so I could finisih feeding him whlie Camellia ate her food. After Kimmy was done feeding Rcio I took him from her and layed him on the floor with a bunch of pillow around him, while I layed with Bug on the couch.

 After Bug passed out I layed him on the floor and picked up Rico, he wouldn't fall asleep unless I rocked him or bounced him. When he finally fell asleep I picked layed him down and walked into the kitchen asking Kimmy and camellia to watch them while I went to the car to get the portable cribs.

Cousinly love is overrated (Being edited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin