Chapter 55

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I stood there in shock, I wasn't think that he was that in love with me anymore. I heard what he was doing in Las Vegas, my head was spinning. I was saying so many things in my head, I was afraid that I was going to say it all out loud. So I did what last came to my mind, I ran. jUST KIDDING! I stood there without a word, it was silent and steal well at least until Kyle broke it.

"How the hell do you want to marry a whore like her?" He asked as he stood up from the seat that he was in and walked in the middle of Bryan and I.

"Who are you to call her a whore!?" Bryan yelled as he set the mic that was in his hand down and walked close to Kyle.

"You think those boys are yours?" He asked as he pointed to the two little boys who were clinging to my leg.

"No, I don't think that. At least I am a real man and would be able to stay with a mistake that I made." Bryan spoke as he walked closer to me and picked up Bug, who didn't want to let go of me at first but did anyways. "At least I am man enough to help the one women that I will be in love with the rest of my life."

Kyle laughed as he looked at me, "Those boys are mine!"

there were gasps coming from the other people that were in the room, my eyes filled with tears as I pulled the envelope out of my purse. Then a smile came across my face as I pulled out the paper to show the true identity of the father. "No you are not the father."

"How is that so?" He said looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"Because, before I moved in with you I had one last tiny fling with a man that is in this room." I said with a smile, I pulled Bryan close to the paper and in big red letters stood his name 'Bryan Jackson'.

"What!?" He said as he looked at me, I knew when I looked at Rico when he was in the hospital." I said with a smile as I lifted Rico off the ground. "Rico has light green blue eyes, his blue eyes are more dominate. Blue is my eye color, while a light green is none other then Bryan's eye color."

Everyone in the room looked stunned, "Looks like you got that wish that you wanted after all."

"I guess so." He said as he leaned into me, we shared a passionate kiss until the paper that was under my hand got ripped out from under it. "This can't be!" Screamed Kyle.

"But it is." I said as I looked at him. "So deal with it and run back to your whore."

Bryan laughed as we both put the boys down, he looked into my eyes like he could see deep into my soul. "Will you marry me please Bethany?"

"Of course." I said with a smile as he pulled a small black felt box out of his coat pocket, he flipped the box open with one flip to show silver band covered with small little diamonds and one big diamond in the middle. "I love it!"

"I thought you would." He said with a smile, he leaned in agian and that is when my family and shay's family all stood up clapping.

"Well we know who is next to get married!" Shay said as she walked over to Bryan and I. "Do you have a date in mind?"

"No, shay I don't" I said as I looked at her. "I just got proposed to five minutes ago, it's not like a date is going to pop into my head. I have other things to worry about then planning a wedding."

Shay stood there for a minute and with a huff she walked back to her table, where she finally decided to act like a true women and love her husband. I smiled to myself as I watched her walk away, and with that Kyle followed her back to his seat. I pushed the small paper back into the envelope and slid it back into my purse, both Bryan and I set back in our seats where attended to our two children. I smiled to myself, the paper wasn't lieing the true father of the boys were Bryan. I was proud of it, the one man I have loved since I was 13, he was 15 when we first met. Now I am 16 with two kids who are about to be one, and fiance that is 18.

It is funny how the boys birthday is the coming up monday, Bryan's is the next monday, and mine is two weeks after his. I wasn't worried about a wedding at this point I was worried about the two birthdays I will have to get ready for.

The party went on and soon when the clock struck 12, we left. Due to the fact that I had two little ones that fell asleep. We arrived at back at our house at some random time, when I last looking at the clock before my eyes closed the clock was blinking in bright red letters 2:30.

I woke up the next morning I woke up stuck to Bryan, he had his arms wrapped around me so tight that I thought I was going to die. "Bryan, sweetie, I need to go check on the boys."

"No, stay with me." He said as he hugged me tighter.

"I need to go check on the boys." I said with a slight whine in my voice.

"Fine." He said with regret as he let me go. I smiled at him and gave him a small kiss before I walked out the door. I walked into the boys room where I found the boys wide away, they were both in their beds just smiling at me. I picked them both up and carried them to Bryan, I laid them on the bed between him and I. "Well hello Rico."

"Bryan, thats not Rico." I said with a smile. "That is Kyle."

"How can you tell them apart?" Bryan asked as he looked at me.

I gave him a smile, "I am their mother."

"So, but even with identical twins not every mother can tell their children apart." Bryan said as he looked at me.

"Excuse me, I am not just any mother." I said as I looked at him, I gave him a fake pout. "let me let you in on a secret."

"What is it baby?" He asked me as he looked deep into my eyes

"If you look at their necks there are small little neck less on each with a 'K' and 'R' on them." I said as I pulled it out to show him.

"Wow, your a smart mom." He said with a smile. "Beth, can I cask you something?"

"Yeah." i said as I looked at him.

"How long have you know that these boys were mine?" He asked as he looked at me.

"I started noticing things that looked like you, when I looked into Rico's eyes and saw your light green in his eyes." I said as I looked at him.

"Wow, and how long ago was that?"

"The day I put Rico back into the hospital." I said as I looked at him and played with the black curls that laid upon Rico's head. "I just wanted to make sure, that is why I had those papers. I was going to tell you."

He nodded his head, we fell back asleep with the b oy between us.

--two days later (the boys birthday)--

I had left the boys with my aunt and uncle all day so that I could get ready for their first birthday. I was stressed, the person who was making the cake for them was getting on my nerves. She wasn't getting the cake right, and the person who was decorating the house for the party was two hours late and was I getting tired of Bryan be constantly on my back about wanting more children. We are still planning our wedding date, and I am still trying to plan his birthday party and get the boys birthday out of the way.

After about four hours stuck in my house, I got out to go get the cake. when I arrived the cake wasn't ready so I had to stand there and wait, when I was finally home the birthday party flew by and I was to tired to put up with cleaning up so I left that to Bryan and his men.

When I woke up the next morning the house was just as trashed as it was when I went to bed, the only thing was instead of the boys party stuff that trashed the floor it was beer bottles and can that's trashed my floor. Lets just say that when he got woke up by the twins jumping on him, his guys were thrown out and he was to clean the whole house by his self. While the boys and I stayed upstairs.

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