Chapter 26

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I walked out of the house and down the drive way to my car, I got in my car and pulled out my cell phone and dialed my best friends number.

"Hello?" Her voice rang over the phone.

"Cam, can I stay with you for a few days." I asked her through the reciver.

"Sure, when will you be over?"

"Few minutes." I sopke in a low voice.

"Alright, I will go down and unluck the door." She said with a smile in her voice. "Just come on up."

"Okay, be there in a few." I spoke as I hung up the phone, I turned on the car and drove down the street. Within  twenty minutes I was infront of her house
and was up at the door.

Her parents weren't home because their limo wasn't outside like it always was, I always felt bad for her. Her mother was a high payed fashion desginer who
was always out of town looking for new ideias and her father owned his own bussiness and was always out of town trying to build up a new side of it. I
opened the door to be greeted by her two little pugs, "Hey, princess and cookie."

I played with them for a while and then headed up stairs to Camellia's room. "Hey girl I am here!"

"Hey, make your self at home." She said from her bathroom. "What made you come to stay with me?"

"I can't stand to live with him right now." I said as I set down on her bed.

"Why?" She asked as she stepped out of her bathroom whith her hair up in a towel.

"Well you know Becca called him and told him that she was pregnant." I said as I put my head in my hands.

"Didn't you ever think that she may be liying to him to get you to him?"  Cam asked me.

"Yes I thought about that, but what if it is true?" I asked as I looked at her, "I also left the twins with him."

"Why?" she asked me as she looked at me like I was stupid.

"Because what if I  get angry with them and I chase after them with a knife like I did with Kyle?"

"You have only chased him twice."

"Well I almost stabbed him this morning."

"You just need some time away from him and the boys." she said with a smile as she looked at me. "You should started back to school, come with me tomorrow."

"I dont know." I said looking down at my phone that had just gotten a text from Kyle 'Come back! I can't get the boys to calm down!'

"You need to get out, that is why you want to kill Kyle so bad." Cam said as she went back into her batroom to put on some make up. "You have been around
him and the boy to damn long, you need your alone time."

"Why are you getting all dressed up?"

"Oh I have a date." she replyed with a smile on her face.

"Who is the lucky guy?"

"Zach Moore."

"What!?" I said as I looked at her and tryed to picture her and Zach together.

"He asked me out last night." I got on her bed and started jumping up and down happy for her.

"Wait don't you want to go out with Corey?" I said as I stopped jumping and fell on her bed.

"I do, but if he's not going to ask me out then I have to go with the next best thing."

"You mean I will be alone tonight?" I said with a little pout.

"Yeah, but Kimberly wants to hang with you. Why don't you call her?"

"That will be awesome, we can throw a party!" I said with a smile on my face when I looked at her.

Cam laughed at me but smiled, she knew me and Kim woudln't through a party. We would most likly watch a bunch of movies and throw popcorn in the air, order
pizza, try to get numbers from  hot guys who walk down the street, and probably do some other stuff with her.My phone started to buzz so I walked out of
the room, flipped open my phone, and put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Come back! The boys haven't stopped crying since you left." Kyle yelled through the phone, a smiled came across my face as he finally had to learn the
everyday pain I had to go through and now he has to do it.

"No Kyle, You get to see how it feels!" I said into the phone as I went down the stairs. "You better be at school tomorrow, don't leave the boys with some freak!"

I didn't give him time to say anything I hung up the phone and called my other best friend Kimberly.

"Hello?" Her perky voice said said over the phone

"Hey Kim, its Beth. I was wondering if you would like to come over to Cam's?" I asked as I looked to the floor.

"Hell yeah!!!" She screamed into the phone, I thought I went deaf there for a minute but I was fine. "Is Cam going to be there?"

"No, she has a date tonight." I said as I picked up the remote off of the coffee table. "Do you need me to pick you up?"

"Yeah, my brother will not take me over there." I couls hear rhe sadness in her voice.

"Alright, I will pick you up at 10." I said to her with a smile.

"Alright, It's a date!" she yelled into the phone.

"Okay bye Kimmy." I said with a smile as I hung up the phone and turned the tv to the disney channel.

At about 9:30 Zach came over and picked up Camellia, after about twenty minutes I walked out of the house and left in my car. five minutes later I was at Kim's house
I walked up to the door step and was meet by her older perv of a brother. "See your doing well Bethany."

"I see your still staying at home with your parents and staying drunk." I siad to him as I gave gim a hug, even if we were mean to eachother we still loved eachother
but he loved me in a way that was more perverted way then I loved him. I stepped away from the hug and Rick hit meon my ass. "Hey now!"

He chuckled a little bit and walked over to the stair case, "Kimmy, Beth is here!"

"Be there in a second!" kim yelled back down. I stayed where I was, as I waited on her I kept thinking about the boys and how they reacted to how I left.

"Bethany!" Kimberly yelled as she ran down the stairs and jumpped into my arms.

"Kimmy!" I yelled as I wrapped my arms around her. "Let's go."

She smiled and grabbed her bag that was sitting next to the door, we both walked out to the car. soon after we got in the car we were back at Camellia's house, when
we got there we ordered pizza, rented some moives off of nexflix on her wii and then we played on her wii. By the time Camellia came home me and Kim were passed out
on her couch. The next morning we all woke up and Camellia drove us all to school.

"Are you ready for you first day back at school?" Camellia and Kim yelled as they finally parked.

"No" I said in a low voice as we got out of the car. Kim walked me to the office while Camellia snuck behind the school with Zach.

"Hello?" said the lady at the desk."Can I help you?"

"Bethany Way." I said as I looked at her.

"Oh,Welcome back." She said with a smile on her face. She got up out of her seat and started to dig through a file cabnit.

"Kimmy go to class." I said in a low voice. Kim gave me a smile and skipped out of the office.

"Here you go Miss. Way." The lady said as she handed me a paper that had all my classes in it.

"Is ther a way I can change my classes?" I asked as I looked from the paper to her.

"Sure, here are the list of thing that you can change to." She pushed a paper close to me.

Cousinly love is overrated (Being edited)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora