Chapter 44

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"Okay, two truths one lie," Jungkook said and poured himself a shot of vodka into your cup that you left there before going with Yujin. He fidgeted with the cap of the bottle, still thinking about his following sentences. You were still several steps across the room, but you could clearly hear what he had to say.

Finally, he leaned forward and started talking again. "One: I once saw Jackson faint because he stood up too fast in the morning after a party. Two: I have gone skinny dipping, and three: I've been left at the altar at my own wedding."

An intrigued 'Ouhh' went through the small group. Now it was up to them to decide which one was the lie.

While some people started making conversation, his eyes met yours from across the room. It was clear that he wasn't completely sober, but something told you he wasn't that far gone to actually make the mistake of risking everything. No, this was calculated. He was testing the waters, seeing how well his plan truly worked. Testing whether they already started having suspicions just by spending less than an hour in your presence. Because if Jackson's inebriated friends had already noticed, there was no way that Jungkook would fool anyone else from now on.

"Okay, the wife one is obviously not it, so it must either be the first or the second one", someone from the circle said.

"I was at that party, I remember something about Jackson being mentioned."

"Really? I don't think I can recall anything from that whole week", the host laughed. 

"So it's the second one."

"What if he was counting on the fact that no one remembered that day? Then it must mean that he's making up the details. Does no one really remember that morning? Was no one else there?"

Everyone shook their heads. You casually walked closer to him, bridging the gap between Jungkook and you and casually snaking an arm around his shoulder. Jungkook didn't react.

"Then he's probably lying about it. Also, skinny dipping sounds like an obvious lie, so it must be bait to make us choose it. Does everyone agree?"

The majority of people raised their hands. 

"So, you lied about the first one. Are we correct?"

A smile tugged at his lips. "Drink up", Jungkook answered.

"Oh, I can't believe it! I knew he actually lied about the skinny dipping!"

"So he's decent after all", someone else responded.

Yeah, decent...

"Actually, I lied about-"

"So, is it my turn now?" you interrupted and reached over the counter to take a bottle. Two people seemed to have heard what Jungkook said and gave him a questioning look, then soon seemed to forget about it as you poured one of them a shot. 

"I wasn't finished. Actually, what I wanted to say was that Y/N and me-"

"Hey Y/N, are you sure Yujin got to her cab safely?" Yoongi came to your rescue.

"Uh, yeah. I waited with her until her girlfriend picked her up."

"Can you call her for a minute? I don't have her number. She forgot her bag here, but it seems like she took her phone with her. Maybe they can still turn around?"

You were very sure that Yujin did not forget her bag. Yoongi handed it to you himself.

"Oh sure, do you mind if we go outside, where it's a little quieter? Actually, Jungkook, can you accompany us? Yujin knows you best out of the three of us, if they can't turn around now, you can just talk to her about returning it soon."

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu