Chapter 23

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"We should get going", Jungkook stated, clearing his voice and standing up. 

His parents glanced at each other but it wasn't because of his statement. They obviously saw what just happened. There was no need to act like you were embarrassed, you truly were.

His mother looked you directly in the eyes.

"Please, stay over for lunch. We wanted to surprise you, but your brother will be here soon."

Jungkook hesitated.

"We still have a lot to do, I don't think this would be a good idea," he insisted, and you saw the sheer terror in his eyes when they brought his brother up. 

The doorbell rang. 

"This must be him," his mother stated.

His parents left the room to go and open the door. 

Jungkook got so pale you were afraid he might faint. 

"What's wrong, why do look like you just saw a ghost?", you asked quietly, making sure he was the only one to hear you.

"We're fucked."

"Why, what happened?"

He took a deep breath and took your hand, probably in an attempt to make it more believable. 

"Junghyun has already met Park Soohyun."


You didn't have the time to process what he just said, as his parents were already back, this time accompanied by a third person: Jeon Junghyun. 

Jungkook's older brother. 

Again: shit. 

They introduced you to him, and when the two of you bowed politely, he didn't take his eyes off of Jungkook. He looked between the two of you, trying to understand what was happening, but to your relief, he didn't ask right away what was going on. 

Although he was dangerously close to doing so. 

Junghyun resembled Jungkook a lot. They had the same nose and eyebrows and all in all a handsome face. His older brother had the same way of leaning back whenever he was thinking deeply about something.

Like right now he was probably asking himself what the fuck was going on. 

After he arrived, there wasn't a single chance to get him alone and explain the situation. Whenever his mother left the room to bring in dishes from the kitchen, his father would remain there. You offered to help her on more than occasion, but she wouldn't budge.

"So how long have you two known each other?", Junghyun asked casually. 

"About three months," he lied.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to come to your wedding. I didn't think your relationship would... evolve this way."

Junghyun gave his brother a look which you took as teasing. 

"Ah, don't mind it. No one knew it would come this way. Yet here we are."

Jungkook put an arm around your shoulder demonstratively. Junghyun looked like he was holding back laughter. 

Either you knew that same look from your 'husband' or because it was so obvious, but he looked like he just got an idea. An idea you were sure you wouldn't like. 

Jungkook saw that too. 

His mother was back again, and shortly after, you started eating. You chatted about meaningless stuff, like future plans (though this marriage didn't have a future, they didn't need to know that yet).

Jungkook just put a spoonful of rice in his mouth when his brother asked:

"Now that you got married, when's the honeymoon?"

So this was his little devilish plan. 

He wasn't very different from Jungkook. 

The man next to you froze for a moment, then proceeded to swallow without chewing. 

"Why are you asking?"

"You didn't plan anything, did you?"

"Of course I did."

No he didn't. 

"Oh really, what do you have in mind?"

"You should go somewhere romantic", his mother suggested.

"It's a surprise."

It was also a surprise to Jungkook himself. 

"Yeah sure," his brother said in disbelief. His parents looked concerned at each other.  

Dammit, they were starting to catch on again. 

"Fine, if you really want to know it: we're going to Japan in a week. But please keep this to yourself, we don't want anyone to find out."

You didn't look at him in an attempt to seem unsurprised, but you were really wondering whether he just made that up or if he was about to extend your contract yet again. 

You risked a glance at his brother. He was astonished but held his mouth for now. 

It was only when you were done with your lunch and his mother finally gave in and let you help her clean up that Jungkook had the chance to talk to him. You didn't know what he said to his brother, but by the time you were back, it seemed like they agreed on something. 

"It was nice meeting you, Park Y/N," he emphasized when you two were saying goodbye. 

You smiled at him and returned the words, and moments after, Jungkook took your hand and led you to the car. 

He even held the door open for you. 

Only when the house wasn't in sight anymore, the two of you finally let your breath out, sighing in relief. 

"I'm never doing that again," you mumbled. 

"It's not like we're getting married a second time," Jungkook pointed out unnecessarily. 

You rolled your eyes at him. 

"Thanks for doing this, by the way," he said after a while.

"What was that? I didn't quite catch it."

"I'm not saying it a second time."

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