Chapter 18

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Jungkook was gone on Tuesday and Wednesday due to business-related stuff, but there was a total of seven photos of you at Lotte World, so things have cleared up enough for you to have a sleepover at Hoseok's place. 

Two nights in a row.

By Wednesday evening, there was still not a single photo of you and Hoseok, so you could confidently say that everything went pretty well.

That was until you were back at Jungkook's apartment.

You got there by bus, partly because you wouldn't want him to pick you up and partly because he wasn't even home already. You decided to make something simple for dinner, so you bought ramen.

You texted him, asking how long it would take until he was there.

He responded five minutes later with 'idk, about 20 minutes?'

That was also the only text you got from him in the last two days, apart from one article he sent you with a photo where he had an arm around your shoulder.

It should be enough time to make food.

You put on music and put the saucepan on the stove. Fifteen minutes later, you arranged the bowls on the table, and shortly after, Jungkook unlocked the door.

"What is that?" He looked at the bowls in confusion.

"Ramen, obviously."

"Yes, I see. But why is that?" He put his bag down and took his suit jacket off. Then he loosened his tie and rolled his sleeves up and you had to admit, that was hot.

"Because I'm hungry?", you responded, trying not to stare at him as he took his shoes off and sat at the table. He looked a little tired.

"If I knew you'd make ramen, I would've extended the contract for another five years."

"Well... too bad you lost your chance."

You sat down on the opposite side and then ate together.

"Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?", he asked while he helped put the dishes away.

Apart from reading the book Hoseok lend you, not really.

"No, why?", you said and took a gulp of water.

"Great. We're going to visit my parents."

You choked on your water.

"Calm down," he said, bending over and patting you on the back with a concerned look. His sleeves were still rolled up. "They know about the whole fake marriage thing. At least about most of it. Sort of. That's why they weren't at the wedding."

You tried to breathe through. Goddammit, that was embarrassing.

"Don't you think it's a little... early for that?", you said to distract from the fact that you were probably going to cough your lungs out.

"We're married... Normal people would say it's already too late," he rolled his eyes.

This relationship wasn't exactly what they would call the norm.

"What did you mean by 'most of it?", you asked, taking cautious sip from the water in case he decided to say another shocking thing.

"They know I married someone I barely know,"

So far so good.

"and they know that it was fake at first,"

You sensed there was a 'but' incoming.

"and they know that you'll work in the company," He fidgeted with the cuffs of his shirt.

"Jungkook, get to the point."

"But I may or may have not told them that we're actually a thing in order for them to shut up."

You were proud you didn't choke this time, though you spilled some water when you put the cup down.

"You did what?"

"I had no choice, okay? They wouldn't shut up about how this is going to be a mess and how people are going to notice and I told them we're a couple now. If they believe it, it will be much easier for the public to do so, too."

Too bad his parents are right.

"Are you stupid? How are you going to make your parents believe this if not even the public believes it? Have you lost your mind?"

"Look, it's not going to be that hard, we just have to act like we love each other for an hour and that's it."

He was right, it wasn't hard.

It was nearly impossible.

"It's in the contract."

You were about to say that it isn't when you recalled the faint memory of a paragraph containing the word 'parents'.

Damn you Jungkook and your terms&conditions.

The 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 Dilemma ║ 🄹🄹🄺Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora