Chapter 31 Jungkook

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He picked up the phone and as soon as he saw the contact's name on the display, he would've rather just let it ring and ignore it. But it was to no use, this was the time for confrontation. 

"What do you want?" he asked as soon as he picked up. 

"Good evening to you too. I wanted to talk to you."

"Why now? Have you finally gotten over your little games?"

Just the thought of Soohyun made him angry. Either because of her betrayal or her silence, he was uncertain. He tried calling her endless times, even after the wedding, in an attempt to get an explanation out of her, but she must've blocked his number until now. He looked over his shoulder to you outside. The door was closed and your back was turned. It was hard to take his eyes off of your back and the black T-Shirt that was drenched and glued to your skin.

"I see you've replaced me. She's pretty, I've got to be honest. Seems like everything's going great for you."

"What's your point? You say it like you weren't the one who ruined everything." He spoke quieter than before. Jungkook sat on one of the beds, not really paying attention that it was yours.

"My point is that you should keep away from Seokjin."

"How do you kno-"

"I have my sources. I'm warning you, don't engage in any business with him. And if I were you I wouldn't trust anyone in my company."

"Soohyun, listen here: it's one thing to run away from a wedding you proposed yourself, but don't threaten me."

"I'm not threatening you. It's a warning."

"Then you might want to give me a reason why I shouldn't engage in business with Seokjin?", he said sourly.

"I've worked there, I know what I'm talking about."

It took great effort not to tell her to shut up and hang up. "We're done here. Have fun in Saipan."

He was just about to hang up when she made one last attempt at persuading him. "I'll tell everyone that it's all fake between the two of you."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh trust me, I would. I warned you."

"Go ahead. Let's see whose reputation gets ruined first, mine or yours. Too bad you're not here, because I'd love to see your face when everyone finds out you got dismissed for throwing yourself at your boss."

With that, he hung up. It was foolish and petty, yet he also felt a small sense of pride for having the last word. Too bad he wasn't even sure if that was true. There were rumors and Yoongi's guys managed to talk to a few people who had their own suspicions. Nevertheless, she threatened him, and now he had to make sure that her threat would not come true. His thumb hovered over Namjoon's contact, hesitating for a second. She did say that not everyone in his company should be trusted. Why?

He shook his head as if to get rid of the thought. Soohyun probably just said it to get him to believe her. And even if was true, it was Namjoon. He trusted Namjoon. 

A few minutes later, they arranged to meet soon, and until then, he would find out whatever he could about her past in Seokjin's company and tell Jungkook.

He took a few moments before returning to the pool. He had to make sure he didn't come off as how he truly felt: annoyed, but also a little scared. Soohyun may not be one to stick to her promises - take their marriage for example - but he wouldn't doubt that she would try to ruin both of your images if it benefitted her. That's why he had to make sure that any claims she made in the future would be unreliable. 

For a brief moment, the thought crossed his mind that it would be easier to make you believe it too. Play his role perfectly as he should, and make you fall in love with him. 

As soon as he thought it, he immediately got rid of that idea. It would be cruel. Even if you were annoying at times, no one deserved that. Though he'd love to have you look at him like he was the only one in the world. 

He was more than sure that making you fall in love with him would be a horrible idea. Not only because you deserved better than this, but because he might lose his own heart by doing so. 

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