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America pov.

'Alright let's get this over with.' I thought to myself as I walked out of my room with my work suit on before entering the living room to find NATO, DC, CDC, NASA, the territories, and the states gathered there.

"Morning guys, how did you all sleep?" I asked my kids.

"We slept fine dad, we should be asking you that. You have dark circles under your eyes, and your stance is slouched slightly." DC spoke up while looking worried, and I saw some of the others nod in agreement.

"I'm fine DC, it's nothing to worry about." I assured her. "Now, NATO, I need you to come with me. UN told me he wants us to attend his meeting today. I'll give you more information in the car, so go get ready quickly. Though you do have time to eat breakfast." I told my daughter, slightly amused when she was already going to stand up before I finished talking.

"Ok dad." She responded and ran to her room to grab her things so she wouldn't  need to hasten her breakfast. I nodded with a smile and started on breakfast. Once I finished cooking everything a few minutes later, I grabbed the plates, filled them with food and sat them on the table for the kids.

"Alright everyone, breakfast!!" I called out to everyone. They scrambled for the table, causing me to laugh silently, and NATO joined us not long after everyone had sat down. Once everyone finished, Louisiana went to take care of the dishes while Delaware took the rest of his siblings back to the living room, to start their homeschooling process with DC, NASA, and CDC. I smiled proudly at them and nudged NATO towards the door. She got the hint and slowly, as well as with a smile, walked towards that direction. Once we reached the car I slid into the driver's seat while NATO sat down in passenger.

"So what's this one for? UN almost never asks for me that specifically." She questioned.

"Yeah, I thought that was weird too, but then I looked at the list of Countries attending and saw that Canada and Mexico were on the list as well, along with BRICS, ASEAN, FVEY, AU, and EU." I told her.

"So, I'm not the only organization there? That's cool, but I'm still worried about you dad. You didn't get any sleep again" She told me, looking as worried as DC.

"I know, so let's try to get this over with as soon as possible." I told her and she nodded before both of us welcomed the silence of the ride. Once we reached the building, I parked the car and got out, putting on a neutral expression, NATO mirroring my actions. We walked inside and into the meeting room, a bit earlier than some of the others, so we needed to wait for a bit before the other countries started to walk in for the meeting. Pretty soon we were all waiting for UN to show up. My phone started to ring after around five minutes of wait, and as UN wasn't here yet, I checked the caller ID before immediately passing it to NATO, who got my idea and quickly as well as quietly made her way out of the room to answer her siblings. No one paid any attention to her sudden disappearance which was a relief for me. Once the call ended she came back and wrote something down on a small piece of paper before passing it to me. I opened the note, slightly worried if something had gone wrong back home.

'The homeschooling is going well, DC is taking a nap, and somehow convinced Florida to take one as well. Texas wanted to go hunting so they sent him off with Marine and CDC is working on lunch while everyone else is hanging out with each other.'

I nodded to NATO, relaxing a bit, and she nodded back. I shoved the note into my pockets right as UN walked in.

"Alright, now that everyone's here let's get down to business." UN said, walking to the front of the room. "I gathered you all here for a proposal, a social experiment if you will. Everyone will be grouped with different countries of my choosing, and you have to spend a year together. If the parties in other households vote to remove someone from that particular house they will be moved into a different household and if that household votes them out they will no longer participate in the experiment. The reason the organizations were involved in the meeting is to maintain peace in the households of the hosting country and the guests. NATO, I believe you could manage with a large group, yes?" UN asked my daughter.

"Depends on the size of the group sir." She responded quickly and respectfully. I nearly beamed proudly, but refrained from letting it show outwardly.

"Alright then, America you're housing; Canada, Mexico, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Japan, Belarus, Australia,  and New Zealand. " UN told us, and NATO wrote down the group members name's and other notes.
I stopped paying attention to the meeting as I had started panicking inwardly.
'They are going to find out about my kids. They're gonna find out about my babies.' I thought, being far from the calm exterior I was showing. NATO tapped my shoulder when UN started to close the meeting, so that I could catch the tail end of the speech. "Everyone will return in two days with a year's worth of clothing and other essentials." UN finished.

NATO led me out of the meeting room and down to our car this time seating herself at the wheel while I took the passenger seat.

"So, do we tell the others that we're going to have company?" NATO asked.

"Yea, I'm just glad that the second house was finished a while ago, and no one is using it." I told her, continuing to hide my panic. It wouldn't do well to have her panic as well, because that would cause her siblings to panic too.

"Ok, though I'm pretty sure that Alaska might get clingy, because of Russia though." She told me, I nodded and added the same about Hawaii because of Japan. She giggled lightly and agreed, though I was feeling kind of grim at the thought of two of my youngest clinging and getting nightmares because of our visitors.
Once we pulled in the driveway, I saw Texas riding his horse round the house, which caused me to gain a small smile.
He noticed us as well and got off his horse before striding up to us.

"Hey, how was the meeting?" He asked.

"It went well, can you get your siblings and have them gather in the living room please." I asked him gently, he nodded, getting back onto his horse and rode back to the house while firing a flare into the night sky. We got out of the car and walked inside. Once we were inside I looked around the living room where all of my kids had gathered.

"Why are we here dad? If Texas fired his flare it must have been important." Washington spoke up, a curious tone underlining his voice.

"Yea, it's gonna be a big change, a temporary one, but a big one none the less." NATO said, joining her siblings on the couch.

"Alright then. Just so you all know, from two days from today forward, there will be a total of 12 other countries staying with us for a whole year. You all remember Canada and Mexico, right?" I asked while making sure to keep my voice calm and watched as everyone nodded. "Well they're going to stay with us, along with France, United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Japan, Belarus, Australia, and New Zealand. I will have all of them stay in the second house while Canada and Mexico are going to stay in this one with us." I told my kids.

"So you're saying that we have two days to prepare everything dad? That house doesn't have the appliances or any bedding of any kind. Two days isn't a lot of time, it isn't enough time, and this house is big enough for everyone. Besides, I think most of the rooms aren't even occupied because most of us share rooms anyway." NASA spoke up and I sighed, knowing that what he said was true.

"Alright, then they will stay here with us. That's fine. Now it's time for bed. I'll set up the rooms for the others and have everything prepared. When you kids wake up." I told them gently, and sent them to bed, watching as NATO, NASA, CDC and the Military branches stayed back. "You guys want to help me don't you?" I asked them with a soft sigh.

"Yup, and we know how you like things set up when you have guests over, which is rare, and mostly only Uncle Canada and Aunt Mexico." NASA told me, his siblings agreeing to the statement. I let out a small, more relaxed laugh and gave them their assignments for getting the house ready.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now