Chapter 37

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Russia pov.

I sat next to Meric and his siblings as they cuddled on the couch for a bit.  It didn't take long for Canada, Australia and New Zealand to join their small cuddle pile on the couch. Meric chuckled softly and hugged all of his siblings tightly. One of the kids had taken a picture of the cuddle pile on Ame's phone and sent it to the countries involved in the pile.

"NATO, can you check on your siblings for me please, I know this change is going to take a toll on them." I asked her, smiling softly at the pile of counties on the couch.

"Yea, I'm glad that you and dad are together Russia, I know it doesn't seem like it, but dad has been a lot happier since you both got together." She told me, leaving the living room to check on her siblings. 'Texas said the same thing.' I thought to myself looking back over the sea of children.

"Отец, can we sit with you?" Alaska asked me, I smiled softly at her.

"Yes, that's fine." I told her, she smiled and all the children aside from the military, NASA and NATO, sat with me essentially creating a pile similar to the one Meric is in.

"Who's cooking dinner tonight?" Mexico asked.

"I am, would you like me to get started?" Japan asked.

"That would be lovely Japan." I replied kindly.

"I swear if you all fall asleep on top of me I will push all of you off and on to the floor." Meric warned his siblings. It didn't take long for the pile onto of Meric to erupt in laughter, Meric included. A loud crash can be heard from upstairs and laughter started ringing throughout the house letting us know that everything is alright. "Alright everyone off, that includes everyone on top of Ruski." Ame told everyone. They nodded and reluctantly got up. Dixie however didn't get up, instead he cuddled closer to Meric. Alaska and Texas were the same with me.

"Dinner is ready!" Japan called from the kitchen. Meric shook his head and stood up taking his twin with him, setting Dixie on his hip as we walked toward the dinning hall. It didn't take long for the other children to come running to the dinning hall to join us for dinner. NATO came busting in and grinning from ear to ear.

"Dad you're not going to believe this!" She exclaimed, still smiling brightly.

"What is it NATO?" Meric asked his daughter.

"I booked us a yacht trip in Uncle Aussie's territory for a few days, we leave tonight and we'd make it there by day break, that way we have a bit of fun before NASA, and the Military join other households for the remainder of the experiment." She exclaimed excitedly.

"And when you say everyone, are you including the other 55 of your siblings NATO?" Meric asked her, starting to match her excitement slightly.

"All of us dad, I will not let an opportunity like this to go to waste, and they'd need to get out of the house eventually, I had NASA make copies of the disguise patches and I came down here to pass them out so that we can pack after dinner." She claimed, passing out the small delicate patches to her siblings. "I'll explain the patches later, but it will help all of us in the long run, dad, do you still have yours? I know UN had made these initially with NASA's help, but he made an upgrade and we need yours, Aunties Mex and Zealand, Uncle's Nada and Aussie, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, and Japan's patches so we can do the upgrades, I have Uncle Dixie's here as well." She finished. Everyone mentioned nodded and handed her the patches, while Dixie took his from her and telling her thank you. She left the room and went back to where her siblings were.

"I'll explain the patches, Dixie, do you want to help with the demonstration?" Meric asked his twin brother.

"Sure why not." Dixie replied, climbing off his brother.

"Alright, put the patch on, preferably on a jacket of some sort that can be worn in any weather, if that isn't an option, then put it on the shirt you are wearing at the time." Meric instructed, the kids and Dixie did as told, and put the patch on their right shoulder collectively. "Alright, you all should see a option screen in front of you, you're allowed to pick what you look like with that screen, a quick side note, you all will have white highlights in addition to your hair color." He finished, once NATO had returned with our patches we placed them on once more and were pleased with the upgrade they had given us.

"UN does not know about the modifications I have put on the patches so be careful when you use the updates around him." NASA informed us.

"Alright, everyone finish eating, once your done go pack clothes for a few days, I'll pack sunscreen and insect repellent." Ame told us, we nodded and finished eating quickly. We ran to our rooms and packed a small bag of clothes and other essentials for the next few days. Once everyone was done we met in the living room.

"Alright is everyone here and accounted for?" Meric asked, silently counting heads in the room, his twin mirroring his actions.

"Anyone see DC? She ain't in the head count." Dixie asked everyone.

"Neither are the branches, NATO or NASA." Meric told his twin.

"Their up to somethin', there ain't a doubt in my mind." He replied carefully. It didn't take long after that for them to join us.

"Uncle Nada, we invited Kazakhstan to join us, Aunt Mexico, Chile will also be joining us. NATO took a constructive liberty to invite South Korea for Japan." NASA told us.

"Where are we picking them up?" Canada asked.

"They're actually meeting us at the airport, so we should start heading that way, I booked all of us first class seats." NATO told us. We nodded and headed out to the garage and piled into the large van and found a place to sit down, me and Meric in the front pilot seats, ready to drive off once everyone was in the van.

"Everyone in the van?" I asked, looking into the cabin of the van, and did a quick head count of everyone on board making sure that everyone was here.

"Everyone is here Отец." Alaska told me.

"Alright then, to the airport!" Meric cheered.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum