Chapter 17

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Russia pov.

I watched Ame and his brothers banter while they made breakfast, and laughed at them once in a while.

"Hey North, are France and Britain up yet?" Confederate asked.

"Don't think so, it's almost time for breakfast and some of the kids are still asleep." Ame replied.

"In that case, Russia can you call everyone down for breakfast?" Canada asked.

"Sure." I replied simply, and walked over to the kitchen door and yelled, "Breakfast is almost done, start coming to the dinning hall!" I closed the door and sat down next to Ame again. After a second we heard running from the sleeping quarters.

"We're done, can y'all help us take the food to the table?" Confederate asked.

"Yeah, we can." Ame replied. Once we got all the food on the table and noticed that everyone but France and Britain were here.

"Aussie can you get France and Britain?" Ame asked his brother.

"Sure mate." The Australian replied, getting up to find his parents. He returned a minute or two later with the European nations behind him.

"Thanks Aussie." Ame told him, Australia nodded and sat down where he was before.

"This looks amazing, you both did wonderfully." Poland complimented Confederate and Canada.

"Thanks!" They replied in unison.

"Dig in." Confederate encouraged, everyone got some food on their plates and started eating. It didn't take long for everyone to finish eating, and disperse throughout the house, I stayed near Ame most of the time, and it didn't look like he cared that I was following him. He pulled out his phone and called one of the kids.

"Hey NASA, how's it going with the boys? I haven't heard from you in a bit." Ame told him, worriedly.

"Sorry about that dad, but everything is going smoothly, and they should be done in a few hours, see you soon." NASA told him.

"That's great, you'll be here in time for lunch then." Ame told him.

"See you soon dad." NASA told Ame before disconnecting the call.

"That was something, but it's good." Ame muttered. "Alright we need to plan our first date, Ruski." Ame told me.

"Yeah, let's go back to our room, and plan there." I told him, he nodded and ran for our room, with a playful smile on his face. I laughed and followed him. Once we got to the room, Ame immediately ran to the bathroom. A few seconds later, he started throwing up again. I walked over to our now closed door and called for Confederate. He ran up quickly and looked at me, wanting an answer as to why I called him. "America's throwing up again." I told him, the worry lacing my voice.

"Damnit, Union. Alright, I need you to grab a small bowl of cold water, and a cloth, if it's what I think it is, then he'll have nightmares for a few days but should be fine, what we're y'all about to do 'fore this happened?" Confederate asked.

"We were going to plan first date." I replied simply, still worried for the American in the bathroom.

"Alright, wait on the bed, I'll talk to 'em." Confederate told me, I nodded and sat on the bed, as he walked over to the bathroom and walked in.

Confederate pov.

After I told Russia to sit on the bed, I walked over to the bathroom and walked into find North hunched over the toilet heavin' and cryin'.

"North, look at me and nothin' else. It's gonna be alright, now let's get you cleaned up." I told my brother, I'm the only one that know about this, Nada and Mexi have found him havin' one of these attacks, but never knew why.

"I'm sorry South." North told me sadly.

"Don't apologize for somethin' that ain't your fault Yankee." I scolded him, he looked up at me, the guilt still lingerin' in his eyes. I noticed that some of the black left. "Your eyes are gettin' better Union." I told him, tryin' to get him to see the positive.

"That's good, I guess." North spoke softly. "I scared him again didn't I?" He asked, probably referrin' to the Russian sittin' on his bed waiting for us to come out.

"No, but he's genuinely worried 'bout you North." I replied.

"I'm sorry I keep making you worry when this happens South, but we still don't know what triggers it." Union told me.

"Hey, stop that. Now, clean yourself up, and go talk to him. Don't leave your room tonight Yankee, if the kids are havin' nightmares, Nada, Mexi, and I will handle it, you need to rest." I told him.

"Ok, Dixie I'll stay put." Ame replied. Once he finished cleaning up, we walked out of the bathroom and saw Russia with the items I requested.

"Thanks for grabbin' the stuff Russia." I thanked the Russian.

"It was nothing, Confederate. Germany is making lunch, it should be done soon." Russia replied.

"Russia after dinner tonight make sure this idiot doesn't leave the room, he needs to rest, and we don't need 'em wakin' up at midnight tryin' to console the kids." I told him.

"Understood. I'll do my best to make sure he does not leave." Russia agreed, grabbin' Ame by his waist, and pullin' him into a side hug. Meri tried his best to hide the blush creepin' onto his face, but failed.

"Alright, I'll let y'all plan y'all's date. See y'all at lunch." I told them 'fore walkin' back to the livin' room.

America pov.

"Sorry for making you worry Rus." I told him somberly.

"Ame, please understand that I'm always going to worry when this happens. I know it's not your fault." He replied reassuringly, hugging me tighter.

"Well, we should really start trying to plan this date. What do you suggest we do?" I asked the Russian.

"Do you ice skate?" He asked almost immediately.

"Yes, it's one of my favorite pass times." I replied excitedly.

"Let's do that, but let's wait for snowfall to make it more romantic." Russ agreed to the date.

"Stars! Come to the living room! NASA and the boys are back, and they brought the card game!" Canada yelled to us.

"I'm coming, and that can wait until after the kids are asleep!" I yelled back. "Let's go, I'm pretty sure lunch is done as well." I told the Russian next to me, he nodded and followed me out the door towards the main hall. Once we reached the living room I noticed two of the kids sitting in a corner surrounded by their siblings in a protective circle. Russia caught my glance to the corner and walked over to them, with me not far behind.

"What happened here?" Russ asked.

"We got caught after one of our spars by one of the other countries." Bama replied cautiously.

"Bama, Ark, who saw, I'll explain it to Russia later so he's in on our joke." I told the boys.

"Australia." Ark replied.

"That's going to be fun. Alright, be careful you two." I told them, they nodded and ran off.

"What was that about?" Russia asked me.

"This stays between me, you, Mexico, Canada Dixie and the kids, no one else knows, but it's a long standing joke that we made, at first it was just those two, then all of the kids caught on and helped them, pretty soon we were involved because they got injured to the point where they had to stop for a good bit. I'm surprised they started back up, but it's going to be funny as hell." I explained, he nodded in thanks and confusion. We entered the dinning hall and grabbed some food.

"Thanks for the food, Germany." Kiwi thanked him.

"You're welcome New Zealand." The German replied.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat