Chapter 29

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Russia pov.

"What's up Dad?" Rhode Island asked. I felt Ame shift uncomfortably, looking over his tiny army. I gently wrapped an arm around him, and I felt him relaxing some.

"We're a-." Ame paused, not knowing what to say clearly flustered.

"We're dating." I finished for Ame, holding him closer.

"So I can still call you Отец, right?" Alaska asked me. (Father)

"Yes, you can Alaska." I replied kindly. Ame curled into me more still flustered.

"Makuakāne, is he going to be our new father?" Hawaii asked.

"Yes Flower, he is." Ame replied softly. The kids cheered and hugged us both tightly.

"¡Estrellas! ¡Tienes una llamada! ¡Estoy en la oficina!" Mexico called out to Ame. (Stars! you have a call! I'm in the office!)

"I'll be right there Goldie!" Ame yelled back. "I'll be right back kids, don't bombard him with questions either." He told them warningly. Once we had let him out of the hug, he quickly made his way to the office.

America pov.

I quickly made my way to the office, and Goldie passed me the phone. As I checked the caller ID, I let out a small gasp and hesitantly answered the call.

"What do you want Brazil?" I asked the Brazilian cautiously. I could see Goldie tense slightly at his name.

"What does he want?" Mexi asked quietly. I shrugged and waited for his response.

"Am I not allowed to call America?" The Brazilian asked in return, a smug tone lacing his voice.

"What do you want Brazil? I don't have time for this game of yours." I told the Brazilian on the phone.

"No need to be so hostile Ame, I just want to talk." He replied a certain sly tone lacing his voice.

"About what Brazil?" I asked, making eye contact with Mexico.

"You coming back to me." Brazil told me, and I gagged.

"The answer is no Brazil, I'm never going back to you." I replied coldly, putting the phone on speaker so Mexico could hear.

"Now now America, you know you're just lying to yourself. You know you miss me, it's only a matter of time." Brazil replied smoothly.

"I'm not going back to you Brazil, I moved on ages ago. Leave me alone." I retorted.

"I will get you back America, it's only a matter of time. No one else will love you like I do." The Brazilian replied coyly. I disconnected the call and walked over to Goldie.

"I know, it's going to be ok Stars, you're safe here." She told me, hugging me tightly.

"Why won't he leave me alone? I can feel his stare from across the room every time we go to a meeting, and he's still trying to make advancements even when I've shown no interest in him. I feel uncomfortable knowing he still has an interest in me." I told her, hugging her tightly.

"Do you want to go back to Russia?" She asked calmly. I nod into her shoulder trying not to cry. Goldie let go of the hug slightly and led us to the living room. Once we got there I felt Russ pick me up. I giggled lightly and hugged his neck carefully.

"What happened Ame? You seemed sad when you and Mexico came back." Russia asked gently. I buried my head into Russia's neck refusing to answer.

"Brazil called him, it's whole situation that we'll explain later." Goldie replied for me.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now