chapter 15

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"Hi, Mr handsome!" I speak excitedly after picking up his call. He is normal with me again, he told me that the Sunday he didn't call me he wasn't here in the city so I let it go. As long as he is talking to me I am alright!

"Hey" his Deep voice resonated from the other side and for a moment I lost myself in bliss. I can't believe I am that desperate for his voice even if it is only a single word. But that voice!

But this voice I feel like I have heard it before too... face to face. I stilled but couldn't pinpoint where. Maybe I am imagining things, this happens to me every time. Whenever I see some good-looking guy I would always compare them to him, same with the voice.

"You there?" He asked, his sentences only limited to 3 or 4 words. I sighed.

"Yeah... how are you?" I shrugged myself out of my thoughts as I focused my whole attention on him. But he never answered it and it was me who spoke again. I told him about my whole week, about my friends, about the bookshop in short about everything. He even scolded me for going out with Hailey and the girls. He told me to never trust anyone in New York. When I told him about Jake he sounded a little mad as if wanted to say something then only said to be careful around him.

After a while, I got silent trying to build up the courage to ask him what I wanted to ask for a long time but couldn't make myself to.

"Uhmm... I... I have been in New York for three weeks now" I started and he only hummed in response.

"Don't you think.... Uhm we should.." I stopped and inhaled sharply.

"I want to meet you," I said in one go. He remains silent. I looked at the screen to check if he is still there and he was! but he was quiet.

"Are you there?" I asked softly.

"Please I know we said that we won't meet but I want to see you and... " I stopped, I can't confess like that.

"Please say something," I said when he didn't speak even after 5 minutes. I was about to cry he is going to decline. I knew it but what he does next broke my heart in two. He hung up on me without saying anything!

I sat there still holding the phone by my ear for 10 minutes. I was in shock and I was hurt. If he didn't want to meet me he could have said no. I was kind of expecting that but hanging up on me. I felt insulted, no one has ever done something like that. I have only given this power to him.

I have always been spoiled by my family and friends. But with him, I have always ignored his rude behaviour. I have always kept my self-respect at the corner for him.

I don't want him to go away from my life, I think I will die if he ever leaves me. I don't know what would I do now. This is it? Is he never going to talk to me ever again? I got scared for the first time in my life.

I once asked him what will he do if I told him to meet and he said he won't ever talk to me again. And I took it as a joke, I thought that he would never do something like that, some part of me always expected that he also likes me. But maybe I am wrong. Maybe I was always a stranger to him. A stupid girl who rambled a lot, maybe I was just a timepass for him.

"No no no you can't think like that, I am not crazy. I didn't just imagine all that right?" I was questioning myself right now. He would have felt something for me even a little bit but he must have. I didn't know when I started crying. I cried myself to sleep that night.

I didn't go out the next day waiting for his call or even a text to ensure that everything is fine between us but he never did. Mary came to check up on me a few times but I lied to her saying I am not feeling well. I also received Jake's call and I told him the same. I excuse Mr Smith too.

Mary brought me soup which I only ate half. I wasn't hungry anymore. More than hurt, I was scared!

The next day I went to university and for the first time since I came here I didn't dress up. I wore the first thing I found in my wardrobe. I didn't do extra effort to look presentable. My eyes were red from crying, I feel like I have a fever but I didn't tell Mary. Knowing her she would immediately call my brothers and from the next flight they would be here. I skipped breakfast and went out of the apartment without facing Mary who was in the kitchen. I only told her I am late and then walked out. She was calling me from behind but I didn't listen to her and went to the lift.

I didn't wave at Rachel as I do usually, she also sensed the shift in my mood and kept quiet. When I walked out I saw Hunter leaning back on his bike but I didn't look his way either. I walked straight and I can feel my gaze on me. But I don't want to interact with anyone. I walked without looking around my gaze was on the ground. When I came out only then I realized  I forgot to wear my coat on my shirt. But the cold didn't bother me, my mind was elsewhere.

I blindly crossed the road and was about to be hit by someone. The man yelled at me for being so careless and silently listen to his curse. I could feel tears in my eyes when he was cursing me but he wasn't the reason for those tears. The person who was responsible for my tears didn't even know that I am crying for him. And that thought made me cry even more. The man who was shouting at me stopped and looked tensed as he thought that I am crying because of him.

"I am sorry," he said and that inside his car and drove away. I stood there for a few moments and then I rubbed my eyes wiping away the tears.

I walked into the class, Jake was seated at the back as always, and Hailey didn't come today so was sitting alone at the front. No one sat with me and I was thankful. The lectures went by in a blur.

By the time lunch, Jake came to me when he saw my red face he didn't ask about it which I was grateful for. I am sure I would cry even more if he asked me. He took me to the cafeteria and brought me lunch which I declined softly.

"I am not hungry," I told him, he sighed as he sat in front of me.

"Did you have breakfast today?" He asked, I wanted to lie but he gave me the look so I shake my head. He then pushed the sandwich towards me.

"Eat," he said a little sternly and I looked at his face for a moment, I have never seen him like that. He always has a soft smile on his face.

"Please" he added and then smiled his usual smile. I relaxed a little and took a few bites but I couldn't eat it anymore even though I haven't eaten since yesterday.

"I am going home," I told him as I stood.

"But we still have one class left" he reasoned.

"I am not feeling well," I told him and walked away. He didn't follow me after that. I didn't go home straight instead wander around like a little puppy around the apartment building. My phone was running continuously but I ignored them. I know that the only person for whom I am waiting will never call me.

I walked inside the building and went straight inside the elevator. There were few other people too but I didn't look at or greeted anyone like I usually do. My eyes were red from all the crying an by now they hurts. Most of them got out before me, only one person was left with me. I didn't glance their way and looked down on the floor.

A wave of dizziness came and I lost my balance and the next moment I was falling down in someone arms. I couldn't see who it was as I succumbed to darkness.

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