chapter 38

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Months passed by, and I didn't see or heard from my brothers. They left me for good, I almost hoped that they would forget everything and accept our relationship, but nothing of that sort happened. They didn't call me, they didn't try to meet me. It feels like I don't even exist for them, like they forget about me.

Mary came to meet me once a week after I left them. She came to take her belongings that were in our old apartment. She came to meet me here. She gave me some papers, they were my shares from Dad's company and an apartment in New York for me which I haven't seen till now. They wanted me to me financially strong even if they are not with me.

I only want their love and acceptance, nothing else. After that, I hadn't heard anything from Mary either. She was disappointed in me for leaving my brothers. No one liked my decision apart from Hailey and Lily. Lily told me that she is happy for me and she would call me once in a while. We never talk about my brothers, I always want to ask about them but then I would chicken out. I know Caleb don't know that Lily is in contact with me.

I try to be normal with everyone around me but I know I am not successful enough. They all see right through me especially Hunter. I know I am doing wrong to him but I am trying believe me I am!

But whenever I smile or get happy over something I feel guilty. I have this feeling of how I can be so happy without my brothers? And then I would turn serious and ruin everything.

Hunter is being patient with me, he is trying everything to make me happy but I can't give him that happiness. I don't know how much he will wait, I wouldn't be surprised if he would give up on me soon. I know I am ruining my present because of my past but I can't help it.

I have made a tough routine for myself where I stay busy all the time. I go to University in the morning till 5 and then I work at book shop till 9. When I come back I would go straight to my room where I would feign sleep or study. Hunter try to spend some time with me but I would always push him away. We hardly eat together or talk.

"Hey!" I said as I looked up after closing the shop. Hunter was waiting for me infront of the shop with Bella, his bike. I didn't expect him to come here today. It's Saturday his fight night.

"Hi!" He smiled softly as I walk towards him. I have told him to not pick and drop me which he agreed to after much insistence but sometimes he still does that and I don't argue. He kissed my forehead as he held my both hands in his.

I looked up at his face as he was already gazing at mine. When will he get tired of me and give up on us? I know it's not long when he will leave me.

"What are you thinking?" He asked and I forced a smile as I shake my head.

"You don't have a fight today?" I asked.

"No I wanted to spend sometime with you" he said with a smile and I almost smiled at him but I looked away from him.

"Hunter I am ... tired.. I have this upcoming test... " I said and his brow furrowed but then his face turned serious again.

"It's Sunday tomorrow, you can prepare for your test tomorrow. I promise I won't bother you tomorrow." He said with such hopeful eyes that I couldn't refuse. I nodded.

"Okay but where are we going?" I asked.

"First we will have dinner at your favourite place then we will go on a long ride" he said and I sighed. I should feel happy that I am going to spend some quality time with him but something in me won't let me be happy. He put the helmet on my head as he always does. All this time my eyes were on him. Why am I doing this to him? He is trying hard. I know he is tired, he is tired of me but still he is trying.

"Let's go" he said and put on his helmet. I sat at his back as I clutched his waist. He starts the engine and then we were off.

We stopped at the Chinese place which is my favourite. We walked inside hand in hand. We sat at the corner where there were less people. The waitress came with the menu and I saw her eyeing hunter who was looking at me. I felt a surge of jealousy but ignored it as I ordered my food. After Hunter did the same she walked away but not before giving a smile to Hunter who ignored her.

"Kitten!" He called.

"Hmm" I hummed as I look up at him.

"Tell me about your day!" He said, I wasn't surprised by his question. He ask this everyday to start up a conversation and I will just summarise my day in two sentences and then I would get quiet. I know why he ask that!

Before when everything was good, I used to tell him all about my day and he would quietly listen to me. I would hardly give him a chance to speak not that he minded. He is always a good listener, he like to speak less. But now that he try to always start a conversation with me is a big indication how much he is trying for me.

"Hunter!" I called softly.

"Yes" he asked with a small smile, I think I am saying his name out aloud after days.

"Aren't you tired of me?" I asked and his smile vanished as he stared at me. His eyebrow furrowed.

"Why would you say that?" He looked genuinely unhappy.

"I am wasting your time, you don't deserve me. I can't keep you happy.." I sighed as I looked down at my hands that were placed on the table. He held my hands.

"Look at me!" He said and I did as told.

"I love you" he said the only three words and those were enough to tell me what he means. It mean that he is not tired of me, he is not giving up on me... not yet!

"For how long?" I asked. His gaze turn hard.

"Forever!" He said with such seriousness.

"I am trying Hunter but I can't.... I couldn't... I want to be happy with you but ..." I hid my face in my hands as tears start running down my cheeks. I heard him move and then he was kneeled beside me. His hands removing my hands from my face.

"Princess, I know you are trying. I know you are!" He assured me as he wiped my tears with his thumb.

"I can wait for you forever if it comes to it because I want you and only you!" He said and this made me smile.

"There's my beautiful girl, I miss that smile" he said with a small sigh and a teasing smirk.

"I promise I will try harder" I said and he sat back on his chair with a smile still grazed his lips.

"You can take as much time as you want. I am alway there for you" he said and I feel so grateful at that moment. How do I get so lucky to have someone like him in my life? If there was someone else in his place they would have left me already but he ...!

"Here's your food" the waitress said and placed our food on the table sneaking glances at Hunter who didn't pay any attention to her. When she left I look up at hunter for a moment.

"What?" He asked me but I shake my head.

"Nothing, I am just thinking what I did to deserve you!" I shrugged with a smile. He chuckled at that.

"Kitten it should be me saying that!" He shake his head. After that we ate our food and then we went for a long ride. We stayed out for an hour or two, it was midnight when we finally came back.

I stood in front of my room door as he waited for me to get inside. I look up at him..

"Good night and thank you" I said, he come forward and take me in his arms.

"Princess..." He said his voice barely above a whisper.

"Hmm.." I asked as I nuzzled my face in his shirt.

"Marry me!" He said and I stilled.

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