chapter 17

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Caleb stayed for a day and after asking me once again whether I want to change my mind he went back. All this time he took great care of me as he always does whenever I get sick. I didn't go to university for two days and Jake came to see me and got nervous when he saw Caleb. Caleb scared the poor boy and I am sure he has warned him too by the uneasy look on his face when I left them alone for a moment.

Caleb made my favourite food for me while he was here. Noah also wanted to come but he couldn't because of his busy schedule he called me 5 to 6 times a day. My brothers are overprotective in my case which sometimes really bothers me and sometimes it made me feel good knowing I have two people in this world who loves me the most.

Lily also called me but she seemed a little off. She seemed upset with Caleb when I asked her about it, she shrugged it away saying it was nothing. She even got a little angry at one point with me but then apologized immediately. She has never talked to me like that before.

Today is Friday and I finally went to University, Jake helped me with everything I missed he even recorded lectures for me which I am very thankful for. After that I went shopping, I wanted to buy something for myself for Sunday.

I went to a dress shop and it took me an hour to decide on a dress. It was a red dress which reached my knees. His favourite colour is on me even though he hasn't seen me but once I asked him which colour he thought would look good on me and he said red. I am not sure if he would even remember it but I did.

After that, I wander around the mall and my gaze fell on a watch. It was so beautiful and classy, in black. I could stop myself and walk towards it. I decided to buy it for him, my first-ever gift for him. I decided to buy it with my own money which I earned from working at the bookshop and it cost me almost all of the money that I earned from there in these 2 months but I am not complaining. I am sure it's worth it!

I was very happy all week and everyone can see that happiness on my face even from a good distance. Rachel asked me why I am beaming these days and she even said that I am glowing differently which I laughed off. Yes, I am happy but that is an exaggeration. I even smiled widely at Hunter when I saw him in the lobby on Saturday and he looked confused for a moment then he rolled his eyes at me and went off but it didn't bother me. The smile remains on my face.

The Sunday came and I got ready, I paired my dress with black stockings because it was too cold out there. I wore my black boots and looked at myself in the mirror for the last time before leaving. I did a little makeup, I don't want him to think I am not pretty but I also don't want to make him feel like I am trying too hard. I left my hair open in its usual curl cascading down my back. I set my curtain bangs and pushed up my glasses with a sigh. I don't want to wear glasses but then again without them, I am blind. I am scared of contact lenses so that is not an option either. I have to stick with it for now.

'What if he doesn't like you with the glasses' a thought came as I was checking myself in the mirror and I sighed sadly.

"Wow honey you look beautiful," Mary said as she looked at me when I walked out of my room. It's 4:30 right now, still, 30 minutes left. I smiled at her compliment.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I am meeting a friend today," I told her but she looked sceptical.

"Who? Hailey?" She scowled lightly. I shake my head and she relaxed.

"Jake?" She asked.

"No, I will tell you about my friend once I am back, alright?" I said as I kissed her cheek and walked out but not before taking my black coat with me. I don't want to be sick again. Mary didn't stop me only yelled at me to come home early.

I waved at Rachel who gave me a thumbs-up when looked at my dress. I smiled at her and walked out, I hailed a cab and told him to take me to Central Park. It took me 30 minutes to reach there. I paid the driver and stepped out of the car, I looked at the time it was 5.

I looked down at the small bag, the gift I brought for him. We talked after that day and I am not sure how I will recognize him, here are a lot of people mostly couples and families basking in the last of the sunlight of the winter evening. I looked around for him, I have a feeling that I will recognise him as soon as I will see him.

There was no one around who is my Mr handsome. I pouted, it was 5:05 and he is nowhere to be seen. Did he change his mind? A pit formed in my stomach at the thought but it went away as soon as it came. I decided to text him for the first time in my life.

"Hey! I am here, I am in a red dress and black coat standing by a tree" I texted him.

I gave him a rough idea of where I am, I hope he would find me there.

'If he even is here' my inner self chimed in I ignored it.

I lean by the tree as I looked around for him but I couldn't find him. I am both excited and scared at the same time. There are thousands of doubts I am having right now.

"Princess?" A deep unsure voice came from my back and I stilled, I couldn't turn around for a moment as I was overwhelmed by the emotion. This voice I have heard it before... I turned around slowly keeping my gaze on the ground. My hands are shivering but I am sure it's not because of the cold.

"You...?" He said this time there was a trace of shock in his voice and I slowly looked up at him, this time it was my turn to get shocked.

"Mr handsome?" I asked him unsurely. And then he smiled at me as he nodded his head.

I can't believe it's him, I can't believe I have met him a few days ago. I can't believe he was so close to me and I was unaware of his presence. I always thought that I would recognize him if he ever came in front of me but utterly turns out I couldn't.

"Princess I can't believe we met before" he said now covering his initial shock and he took a step towards me. He stopped only when he was two steps away from me. I was only looking at his face, reading him, drinking him in. My heart was beating hard in my chest but I am still in a daze.

Is he really him? I asked myself for the nth time but for some reason I am unable to believe he is here and he is the same stranger who helped me few days ago from that guy at the club by pretending to be my boyfriend!

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