chapter 16

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I open my eyes as bright light falls into my eyes. I groaned loudly at the light that ruined my sleep. I turned to the other side of the bed and tried to fall asleep again, but my eyes opened instantly when I remembered what transpired earlier.

I was in the elevator the last time, and then I saw darkness around me. Who brought me here? I sat up as I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes. My body was burning, and my throat was dry. The simple act of moving my hands was difficult.

The door opened, and inside came Mary. When she saw me awake, she sighed in relief and ran to me. She took me in her arms and caressed my hair lightly.

"You scared me!" She said and moved away, this time she was scowling.

"What happened?" I ask her. She she gave me a glass of full of water, which I gulped in one go. My throat felt like a Sahara desert. She then touched my forehead.

"You still have a little fever," she said as she sighed and then moved towards the tray of soup that she brought with her.

"Eat something, then you will have to take medicine," she told me as she started feeding me. I was already famished, so I ate silently the tastless soup.

"You caught a cold and had a fever, then you fainted in the elevator. A good guy brought you here and even called for a doctor. He stayed here until the doctor came, and then he left, " she told me.

"Who was the guy?" I asked her.

"I don't know his name, and he didn't tell me either when I asked. He was silent the whole time, but I have seen him so many times in our building." She told me with a sigh and gave me my medicines as I took them.

"Who could it be?" I thought to myself but shrugged it away when my mind went back to him. I immediately picked up my phone from the bedside table to see if he had called me or texted me, but no, he never did!

There were some missed calls from Noah, Caleb, Hailey, and even Jack. I threw the phone on the bed as I hid my face with my hands. I don't want to cry again, but it felt like I was about to explode again.

"I told Caleb and Noah, they called me when they couldn't reach you. I told them that they don't have to worry, but I am sure one of them is on their way to here already. " she smiled softly but then looked closely at me.

"What is bothering you, honey?" She asked me, I wanted to tell her everything. How he has broken my heart without even saying anything. His silence is bothering me too much. For the first time in my life, I hate his silence. I was about to open my mouth when the bell rang. Mary sighed and stood up as she gave me a small smile, then went out.

After some time, I heard some voices, and I know who it is. I groaned one more time before the door opened, and a tall figure came barging in with worry etched on his face.

"What happened? Why were you out without your coat? Don't you know it's cold out there?" He scolded me as he sat near me. He touched my forehead and then glared at me when he sensed warmness under his palm.

"I forgot," I said, looking down at my lap.

"You forgot? You always say you are not a kid, but your actions say otherwise. You want us not to worry for you when you can't even take care of yourself... " he scolded me, and the words hit me like a brick. I know he is worried for me, and he has scolded me many times for being so careless, but this time it his hard. Maybe it's not his words that bother me it's someone else... and this was it for me. I looked up at him with my tear filled eyes. He stopped talking instantly, and his emotions changed as I started crying on his chest, hugging him to me.

"Hey, Muffin! What happened? Baby... don't cry... Princess, I am sorry I didn't want to make you cry.. I was just worried for you and..." He was a little scared and confused as he patted my hair while talking, but when Caleb called me Princess, I cried harder. He stopped talking immediately and stilled. Then he sighed and sat there until I stopped crying. Even after I stopped crying, I remained still with my head on his chest as he lightly caressed my hair.

"Kay..." I whispered softly.

"Hmm," he hummed.

"I don't want to live here... please take me back" I told him and Ihe tensed for a moment then pulled me away from him and held be my shoulder he looked at my tear strained face and wiped my tears away with his hand then nodded!

"Okay, first go fresh up, then we will talk about it," he said and helped me stand up. I went towards the bathroom as I washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I came out, he wasn't in the room, I was about to follow him out when my phone tings informing about the incoming message. I wanted to ignore it, but for some reason, I couldn't, so I walked towards it and held it up. When I opened the message I froze hawking at the screen. My eyes read the message again and again in fear that I am not imagining things and this is all real and it was real!

I sat on the bed as I couldn't stand longer and then I smiled widely as years fell down my eyes, but this times those tears were of happiness.

I kissed the screen of my mobile and then stood up. I went out with the biggest smile on my face. Both Mary and Caleb were sat on the dining table talons in hushed whispers. When I came into their view they both looked at me with confusion.

"Kay I am sorry I acted up but ... I don't want to leave New York. It was a spur of moment and ... I know I am an idiot sometimes" I laughed at my silliness and both of them were looking at me as I have gone crazy and to be honest I think I have!

I went back inside the room to take a long relaxing bath leaving both of them stunned. They will get over it, I sighed as I went inside and all this time only one thing was going on in my mind.

"Lets meet! 5 p.m, Sunday, Central Park." The message that I received from Mr handsome. Short and to the point. I can't believe I will finally see him and ... oh God!


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