5.Haan Woo's b'day

184 31 6

It's really hard for Jimin.

He grew up not even knowing how to boil water. Now he's actually being forced to make chocolate, but also in heart shape!

Really met with a disaster!

Death system comforted him: "It's not as hard as you think. Just melt the chocolate and make it into a heart shape."

"If it's so simple," Jimin said. "Why don't you do it?"

Death system: "Hahaha!" Its laugh can only be described as shameless.

After a three-second stay in bed with the quilt, Jimin decided to study it.

No way, this daily mission nickname is a life mission, should do it!

Isn't it just doing | Love chocolate? It's not hard to do!

Jimin checked the Internet and found that the difficulty is really not high, as long as there is old chocolate, melt it and change the shape even if it is ready-made chocolate.

The melting process looks very simple, as for the mold...

Jimin dare not let Liu buy it, he is afraid if he calls him; Liu would think he was sleep talking!

What to do ... ... buy it himself?

Where can he buy this stuff? Is it in the supermarket?

Jimin took a deep breath and decided to do a disguise and go to the supermarket.

He dressed in many layers; he was flushed with heat, and still didn't find what he wanted.

The Death system reminded him: "Isn't it just a heart-shaped thing? What kind of mold do you use?"

Jimin thought it reasonable when he thought about it. When he was a child, his grandfather made some woodcarving; the little fairies were very lifelike. According to genetic laws, he can't sculpt a little fairy, but it's not hard to carve a heart.

The time is not to be delayed, and Jimin decided to challenge himself!

When he ran home, he found another problem: When he went to the supermarket, he unexpectedly forgot to buy some chocolate.

Forget it; the family still has some stocks. The Queen Mother came back from France a while ago and brought a lot of Debauve & Gallais from France. He can melt a few of them.

Jimin was gearing to start a life of a 'Cook'.

The first batch was destroyed because the chocolate was too slow to melt. Jimin went to wash his face and brushed his teeth that became black. When he came back to see, the bottom of the pot was dark and it was not clear whether it was chocolate or pot ash!

The second batch, Jimin was very cautious. He stayed all the way and opened a big fire. As a result, the chocolate was stuck in the bottom of the pot, and he refused to separate from the pot. The chocolate loved it quite deeply.

The third batch of Jimin finally worked out the rules and made a sticky chocolate. Unfortunately, there was a small error. The quantity was too small and wouldn't come out from the pot!

Jimin took a deep breath and redoubled his efforts. After a full hour and a half, he finally let the chocolate melt completely. He was very pleased to think that this chocolate was the result of his painstaking effort!

If this is not "love", he would slap the death system.

The death system with an old father's tone of relief: "It's OK, as long as you can make a love chocolate, you will succeed!"

Finally, at the critical moment, the chocolate is frozen and can be cut!

Jimin picked up the knife and drew it carefully...

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