39. Flight delayed

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Upon seeing the message, Jimin's legs turned soft he almost kneeled.

His mother had returned, but why must it be such a coincidence? Why, just whyyyy!?

What should he do now?

If he didn't go to pick his mother up, he would have to see his mother looking at him with hidden bitterness all day long after he got home while whining to her doting husband in passing. Yep...... Once wouldn't be enough, she would probably whine thrice a day to him.

Thinking so, Brother Jimin could feel his flesh aching in advance.

But if he went to pick her up, he wouldn't be able to complete his mission. His mom would arrive at seven o'clock. After he took her home and accompanied her, it would be noon already.

How would he have the time to get the last life point anymore?

The death system couldn't stand watching this scene and said, "Wouldn't it be nice if you could go together with Taehyung to meet your parents."

Jimin said, "......You want me dead?"

Death system laughed and said, "Haha, that won't happen. Taehyung is an excellent person. If I am your parent, I'll be very fond of him."

Jimin, "......"

"Is Taehyung not an outstanding person?"

Jimin replied, "......He is."

Death system asked again, "Then, will (your) parents not like him?"

Jimin put on a fairly ghastly expression as he said, "......They'll like him."

The problem was, this kind of 'like' was absolutely out of the ordinary!

Death system, "Then, just go for it!"

"Get out!" Jimin didn't dare to think about the mess in his head. He then said, "My mother has always wanted to hold grandchildren. If she knows that she won't be able to see her grandchildren, and that her son's wife is a guy instead...... She's going to kill me!"

A male wife? Oh ho! The death system whistled.

As expected, would he need to give up on this last life point?

Jimin became afraid upon thinking about it. His 'death' not long ago didn't cause any harm to his body, but it left a lasting mark in the depth of his heart.

He doesn't want to give up on any of his life points or leave Taehyung.

It's hard to tell which emotions were more intense, but there was no doubt that both of them existed.

He mustn't give up, be it one, two, or even three life points!

Jimin stared at his cellphone for a long time. Taehyung obviously noticed, so he asked, "Is something wrong?"

Jimin paused for a moment, then he raised his head and said, "It's...... My parents have returned."

Taehyung was quite surprised and asked, "What time will they arrive?"

Jimin said, "Seven o'clock......"

When they finished grabbing their luggage, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

Taehyung said, "What a coincidence."

Jimin said with a bitter face, "Yeah......" It was such a coincidence that he wanted to cry.

Taehyung considerately asked, "Are you going to stay here and wait for them?"

There was only an hour left before the plane landed. If there wasn't any delay, he would have breakfast first, then wait for them.

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