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⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ | you're in love, | ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
you know that?

real life | surrey, england
ice skating rink
- december 11th, 2021

ANDREW HAD A GIRLFRIEND, and he loved it. It had only been two days, but he loved it. He loved holding Sophia's hand whenever he desired and not having to hold back his urges to call Sophia "my love," or "darling." He was hers. She was his.

A lovesick smile rose to Andrew's lips as he watched Sophia stood on the ice skating rink with Rosie and Oliver. The blonde held each of the children's hands, holding them to up make sure they don't fall in their skates. Rosie laughed when her brother slipped, almost falling on his butt Sophia held his hand up before he could.

"You're in love, you know that?" Hayley asked Andrew as the two of them sat at a plastic picnic-style table outside of the rink, watching Sophia and the children. Ben sat next to the two, Lynn babbling in his arms.

"Don't be ridiculous," Andrew mumbled out of habit, but apart of his heart believed her words. "We've been dating for two days."

"But you've been hanging out for a couple months," Hayley reminded him, glancing at the man. "And you've known her for longer. I knew I loved your brother the fifth week I knew him."

"But you two are crazy," Andrew teased with a grin. "Ben told me he wanted to marry you 4 months into your relationship, and he proposed on your one year."

"We are not crazy." Ben scoffed, rolling his eyes at his brother before looking at Hayley. "I knew I found the love of my life immediately, I had to tie her down."

Hayley laughed at her husbands words, shaking her head and turned to Andrew. "There's no timeline for a relationship. You guys will do your own thing. But you are in love with her."

"Yes, you are." Ben agreed with his wife, nodding his head.

"She's a sweetheart. She's great with the kids, which means she'll be a good mother," Hayley began to ramble. "And she's just as in love with you as you are with her."

"Really?" Andrew questioned softly.

"Every time you aren't looking at Sophia, she's looking at you," Ben confirmed. "She hangs on to your every word. I guarantee she doesn't forget anything you say. I did the same thing with Hayley. I knew her every order to every restaurant we went too because I held on to everything she said."

"Mummy, I'm hungry!" The three turned their heads at the sound of Oliver's whines.

And of course, if Oliver says something, Rosie agrees, "Me too! I'm hungry!"

"Okay, we are going to concessions." Hayley sighed as she stood up from the table and picked up Rosie in her arms. Oliver grabbed his mother's hand, leading her and his sister to the concession stands.

Andrew's eyes fell on Sophia who stood at the door of the ice skating rink with her enchanting grin, "Drew, skate with me?"

"Well, go on." Ben urged his brother and Andrew smiled at Sophia before nodding. He put on the ice skates and tied them up quickly before going to join his girlfriend. Sophia smiled back, holding his hands while she slid slightly.

"Why are you so good at this?" Andrew asked the girl while they began to skate faster.

"This is a January tradition for Laila, Minnie, and I every year," Sophia replied before doing a spin. "Minnie also grew up figure skating so she drags us all the time and tries to teach Lai and I to do shit."

"Good at everything, aren't you, my love?" Andrew questioned and Sophia giggled as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"You know," Sophia whispered as she drew closer to Andrew, placing her hands on his shoulders. "I really like it when you call me that."

"Well good, because I really like calling you it and do not plan on stopping." Andrew told her and Sophia nodded happily, resisting the urge to kiss the man right then and there. She settled for just kissing his cheek, bringing him into a hug carefully so they wouldn't fall on ice.


social media | instagram
- december 11th, 2021

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