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real life | los angeles
hospital (oops)
-may 1st, 2024

           "DON'T FREAK OUT, okay?" Laila said into her phone sternly as Andrew answered her phone call from London— Where he currently was for business meetings and auditions. Lola Avila and Zendaya turned their gazes to the brunette, both do their faces covered in concerned.

"Why? Why would I freak out?" Andrew questioned, his tone growing frantic as he stood up from the table at his brother's house. At his voice, Ben and Hayley, who he was currently having dinner with, looked at him suspiciously. "Laila, what happened?"

"So we're at the hospital—"

"You're what?"

"I said not to freak out!" Laila cut him off, trying to keep her patience as she briefly peeked her head into the hospital room beside her. There Sophia currently sat with Minnie, Dr. Isabella Estrada, and the neurologist that was checking her head. "So the three of us were at the house with Lola and Z, and Sophia went to go get something from the garage— I don't even remember what it was, but there was a can of paint on the top of the cabinet and then the can fell on her head and—"

"Oh my fucking god," Andrew sighed as anxiety grew in his chest. "How bad is it? I'll book the next flight out—"

"Andrew, no! She wasn't bad at all at first. She said it just hurt and she didn't even want to go to the hospital— But obviously we were going to take her no matter what so Minnie called Izzy and Izzy insisted that we bring her over immediately. And on the drive here and waiting for the doctors, she got a little worst. She's dizzy and nauseous and they're doing tests—"

"No, enough, I'm getting on the first flight out," Andrew scoffed as he ran a tired hand over his face. "Can I talk to her? Let me talk to her."

Luckily, Laila walked into the room just as the neurologist walked out. Sophia tiredly titled her head up to look at her best friend and her eyes widened when Laila handed her the phone. Minnie turned to Laila, who gave her a panicked look before whispering, "He's freaking the fuck out."

"Oh god." Minnie sighed softly.

"Hi Drew," Sophia mustered up all the strength she could to sound as normal as possible while she placed the phone to her ear.

"Darling, I'm gonna FaceTime you, I need to see you—"

"No, I'm okay, really—"

"Sophia, answer my FaceTime." Andrew told her once more before hanging up the call on Laila's phone.

"Fuck," Sophia mumbled before reaching over to the bedside table and grabbing her own phone, which was buzzing from Andrew's call. From reaching over, a wave of nauseous hit her and her hand clamped over her mouth, "I'm going to die."

"You're not going to die," Minnie promised her before handing Sophia a bottle of water.

Taking a sip of water, Sophia took a deep breath before putting a smile on her face and answering her husband's FaceTime call. "Hi babe."

"My baby— Oh my god, you look miserable," Andrew sighed and Sophia held back a laugh. It didn't matter how hard she tried to be normal, he saw right through her, always. "I'll be there as soon as physically possible, I'm getting on the next flight out."

𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now